• Resolved Heropass


    I didn’t want my posts page to be seen as the home page on my site (see: ( ), so I made my front page a static one. The problem is that now there are two tabs at the top which go two the same home page. So I have two tabas that say “home”. I was wondering if there is a way around this issue, or do I have to just let it be.

    Thanks in advance

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  • The fix depends on your theme and how the menu is constructed.

    A Google search for ‘wordpress two home tabs’ will give a lot of results for this problem. One of the might fit your case.

    Thread Starter Heropass


    I have a blackon theme and I haven’t found any which helps me. The code is very different then the ones which come up in google search.

    Have a look at this issue.

    If that doesnt help, let me know.

    Around line 147 in functions.php, change this:

    function toplinks(){ ?>
       <div id="topLinks">
             <li><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/">home</a></li>
             <?php wp_list_pages('title_li=') ?>
    <?php }

    to this:

    function toplinks(){ ?>
       <div id="topLinks">
             <?php wp_list_pages('title_li=') ?>
    <?php }

    by removing this line:

    <li><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/">home</a></li>
    Thread Starter Heropass


    vtxyzzy, that did the trick. Crap, I didn’t search into functions.php good enough to see that line… thanks a bunch!

    And thanks to everyone that spent anytime helping me to solve this problem.

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