• Resolved yezzz


    I just sent an ecard to some friends facebook email addresses and the email was rejected for each recipient. Reason see: https://postmaster.facebook.com/auth_error (which links to another page talking about spf and dkim).

    I don’t know about dkim, but my server spf is fine. Then I realised that despite setting a static sender the emails were sent on behalf of user (thus not matching spf records?)

    Messing with the settings it seems static sender doesn’t do anything, and setting mailreturnpath actually sets the static sender (but uses the sender email as return path) Weird!

    I know you changed some of the behaviour, but why not let webmaster handle setup, and just use static sender setting (if set) as static sender, and use mailreturnpath setting (if set) as mailreturnpath. As for reply-to maybe use the users email address, but I’m not sure about that one.

    Also, it seems we shouldn’t send on behalf of user email, as it looks like email spoofing. We should send with our own server from address, and make sure the server is setup correct.


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  • Thread Starter yezzz


    Also noted:
    before setting mailreturnpath the read confirm mail was coming from the email I set in the blog settings. After setting mailreturnpath the read confirmation uses the email set in the mailreturnpath.

    Also with multiple recipicients and using CC to sender it sends a cc for each recipient (eg 5 recipients then the sender gets 5 CC mails).

    Must be something wrong with the ecard logic?

    (maybe also the reason why future card CC is not working??)

    Thread Starter yezzz


    Correction: it’s not sending the CC to sender multiple times, it’s sending the BCC to webmaster multiple times…

    Plugin Author tuxlog


    Will send you a test version in a few minutes

    Thread Starter yezzz


    Tested your latest v4.7 testversion, but it’s not working. Recipient is not receiving an email.

    Copy to webmaster is sent, and shows all the various fields are screwed up: TO shows “undisclosed recipient”, from name shows from email, from email shows the duration value, ecard link show the duration value, duration field shows recipient name. Oh, and I didn’t see any CC ??

    I didn’t touch the “Online card HTML mail tekst”, and it looks ok, so the bug is in processing the various fields or string values.

    -using static sender and bcc
    -mailreturnpath is empty
    -using the ecard as a link, sending people to my website.

    Thanks for your efforts!

    Plugin Author tuxlog


    Can you describe your testcase and what you expected the result to be please. I can not confirm something is “screwed up”. Seems to work here.

    Thread Starter yezzz


    I don’t know what info you need.

    I was using the settings shown in the screenshots I sent you 28th december, and it wasn’t sending anything. Then I cleared out mailreturnpath, and added a bcc address (smtp sender, static sender and bcc are all the same address). That gave me the results I described above. I was using future send (with proper future value).

    Did some more testing: it’s working ok when immediately sending the card, including the cc (as with v4.6).

    Did another future send and that is when things get screwed up. On the form I ticked CC to sender. I’m not sure I ticked send confirmation the first time, but I did the second time.

    Email output is now slightly different. From email now shows an incremented duration, or so it seems (duration is set to 90, that value shows 97).

    Here’s the (anonimized) cronjob arguments:

    [97,"[email protected]","Sender Name","[email protected]","Recipient Name","90","wpgreet_54bbd54b28cc7",false]

    EDIT: so this thread is now continuation of https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/future-cards-again

    Thread Starter yezzz


    Also, I noticed you didn’t change the staticsender/mailreturnpath behavior, but that’s ok. For now I’m happy with how v4.6 works, but with a fix for the future card CC.

    Plugin Author tuxlog


    Just send you a patched version. I have found one place which may lead to the problem you described with the cc problem.

    If you set static sender the “From” part of the mail header should be always set to the address which you entered for static sender.

    As I explained in my mail before the mailreturnpath parameter, if set is used for the “ReplyTo” part of the mail header but nothing else. I can not see any point in changing this.

    Thread Starter yezzz


    As I explained in my mail before the mailreturnpath parameter, if set is used for the “ReplyTo” part of the mail header but nothing else

    I understand, but it wasn’t behaving as expected, or I misinterpreted the email source. Can’t check now as I sent dozens of cards.

    So what happens when an email bounces? Does it use the static sender address (email source shows it as Return-Path) or the mailreturnpath (email source shows it as Reply-To and From) address?

    Re the future send: WORKING!! Just one question: what is that first value in the cronjob arguments? It’s incrementing and I’m guessing it started counting at 90, which is the duration value in my settings. EDIT: looks like it’s the db table MID and the number 90 was just coincidence

    Anyway, you earned yourself a coffee, and some pie with that. Enjoy!

    Thread Starter yezzz


    Re the mailreturnpath confusion: it’s what email programs are showing. They show the mailreturnpath (Reply-To/From address in the email source) as the sender email, where I was expecting the actual Sender email to appear.

    Also I just tested the rescheduler. It sent 20+ emails, but I can’t check it’s sending the correct one, because all links to the cards show https://example.com/cardpage/?display= without the fetchcode.

    So, it needs a little more work ??

    Plugin Author tuxlog


    The handling of bounced mail is as far as I know a job of the mail server. The mail server should use the mail return path but there are mail servers out there which use the sender address. This is nothing wp-greet can control. It depends on the setup of the mail server.

    A proper mail client should show the mailreturnpath address as the reply to address and it would show the sender address to as the sender address. If cou answer the mail it would send the answer to the mailreturn path address.

    The first value in the cron job parameter is the internal message id an identifier to find the card in the database.

    Thanks for he coffee ??

    I will check the rescheduler.

    Plugin Author tuxlog


    Just sent you a package with a hopefully working rescheduler.

    Please test it.

    Thread Starter yezzz


    I guess then my mailserver is not properly configured. Mailreturnpath sets the Reply-To, so that’s ok, but it also sets the From address, which, according to your message above, should contain the static sender address. Not sure if that’s important re spamfilters.

    Anyway, tested the latest version and it seems to be working.

    I do have a question about some db entries I found, that have no future_send, but the date_sent matches the date and time of the reschedule I did yesterday! I can’t verify they were sent, as the mails had no fetchcode. Also, I tried some of those card url manually and they show: the greetcard link is timed out.

    Did the previous version mess up some data, or should I be concerned that the rescheduler on my live site is gonna send out wrong/timed out ecards?

    EDIT: those cards have a fetchuntil of 2014-11-07 and card expiry is set to 90 days

    Plugin Author tuxlog


    Great to hear it is working now.

    The rescheduler selects all mails with an entry future_send<>’0000-00-00 00:00:00′ and with an empty card_sent entry.

    If you have had cards with a future date but no fetchcode (because they should be sent via mail) those entries can occur.

    Well, The rescheduler did not mess up data but I can not check this if there any wrong entries in the datbase from former releases (e.g. card was scheduled before update, update changed behaviour with card_sent, rescheduler wold sent card again)

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