• Resolved Nicola Modugno


    in the cookie banner, a client of mine has disabled statistical cookies because they are interpreted as technical cookies and therefore activated regardless of consent (which is required only for marketing and profiling cookies).
    I am now trying to activate the consent mode and would like to know if there is a way to instruct Complianz to activate statistical cookies regardless the user content (as is the case for functional and security cookies) without changing the banner settings.
    Thanks to all for any hint.

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  • Plugin Support leonardoiub



    thanks for your message.

    Unfortunately I need to remind you that all services except for the technical ones should be blocked prior to consent since it’s required by GDPR, but if you want to implement another behavior for the statistics cookies you can follow this guide https://complianz.io/display-the-statistics-category-as-always-active/.

    Thread Starter Nicola Modugno


    Hi Leonardo, thank you for your response.

    As the guide itself states, in some countries anonymized statistics are allowed without prior consent.
    Through the guide, the banner template is replaced, making the string “Always active” visible instead of the checkbox.

    So, I ask you: If I apply the customized template, what happens when the visit comes from one of those countries where consent for statistical cookies (even if anonymized) is required? Does the banner show “Always active” but the cookies remain blocked? Or does the template modification change the logical behavior of the plugin, and therefore the statistical cookies are always released?

    Ideally, the string “Always active” should appear when the visit does NOT come from one of those countries where prior consent is mandatory; otherwise, the checkbox should still be shown to allow the user to give or deny consent.
    Is it already like this, or can you give me some suggestions on this matter?

    Thank you for your support.

    Plugin Support leonardoiub



    unfortunately if you modify the plugin to show the statistical cookies as “Always active” the GEO IP feature won’t work so everybody will see “Always active”, you should try to change this behavior with the help of a dev since this is a customization we cannot perform

    Thread Starter Nicola Modugno


    Thank you, Leonardo,

    The thing I don’t understand is: how can the logic of the plugin be modified since the proposed modification in the guide only modifies a template and not plugin files or anything else?

    I hope you can give me some more details, and I thank you for your availability.

    Plugin Support leonardoiub



    following the guide I sent you the logic of the plugin will be modified, not only the “graphic template”, but we cannot adjust that logic in order to let it be compatible with the GEO IP.

    If someone desires this type of behavior too it will need the help of a developer.

    Thread Starter Nicola Modugno


    the guide you pointed out does not suggest any changes to the plugin configuration; it only says to load the linked must-use plugin.

    The plugin contains:
    1) the startup file, which
    — 1.1) modifies the path of the cookie banner template
    — 1.2) allows adding custom CSS
    — 1.3) saves the banner at every WordPress startup (code to be removed in production)
    2) the custom template

    Could you please indicate how the plugin logic is modified?
    We are probably referring to different guides/plugins because something doesn’t add up.

    Thank you.

    Plugin Support leonardoiub



    this part here changed the plugin logic, the cookiebanner.php file is the one

    Plugin Support leonardoiub


    In Github you’ll find the new cookiebanner.php file inside the folder “cookiebanner”, that will change the logic.

    Thread Starter Nicola Modugno


    Thank you, Leonardo. I’m really sorry to bother you, but as you can imagine, I need to understand how to proceed for my client. Before writing anything, I verify what I say, so I confirm that I have seen those files and also the bannercookie.php file (which is the new template file), and that’s exactly why I don’t understand how that file can modify the plugin’s logic.

    The template in question rewrites the “functional” and “statistics” cookie sections by adding the strings “Always active.” However, this is purely a graphical modification, without any logical changes.
    Are there any “backstage procedures” that check the template content and adjust the plugin’s logic accordingly, or what?

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