I’m using Jetpack to view my statistics currently. I’m looking at the statistics like the number of views per day and per month.
I’m currently using another plugin to revise old posts and schedule updates. In that plugin, once the revised version is published, all of the statistics on views disappear and reset to 0. I can only see stats after it was republished; all of my earlier views vanish from Jetpack as if they never existed.
Therefore, I’m reviewing other plugins to see if there’s a better solution.
Here’s what I want to do:
- Create a revised version of an old post, while the original version stays live.
- Schedule a date and time for the revised version to publish.
- When the revised version publishes, it uses the same permalink as the original post.
- When the revised version publishes, it continues tracking views with the old and new merged together. That is, if I post a revised version on a Tuesday, I can still see the stats from Monday for how many people had viewed the old version.
I’m pretty confident from your documentation that I can do #1-3 above. I’d like to do #4 as well. Is #4 what currently happens with revisions using this plugin, or is that something you’d need to add with a metadata filter feature?
Does my explanation make sense?