Currently this is not possible without changing the plugin’s code. I will introduce a constant in a future version that will allow you to overwrite the default value by setting a value in the wp-config file.
If you want to change it now, then go to the file /pages/class-football-pool-statistics-page.php and change the ‘5’ line 238:
$output .= sprintf( '<p>%s %s</p>', __( 'The top 5 players are shown below.', 'football-pool' ), __( 'You can select other users in the chart settings.', 'football-pool' ) );
and line 240:
$rows = $pool->get_pool_ranking_limited( FOOTBALLPOOL_LEAGUE_ALL, 5, $ranking );
Please note that when changing the plugin files, your changes will be lost when WP updates the plugin.
This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by