I suppose statistics works only for files downloaded through your presentation plugin ?
Indeed, stats are only computed by the plugin s2member Secure File Browser. s2member plugin only get stats for accounting and it deletes them as soon as it does not need them anymore.
You can see s2member accounting stats in the plugin s2member Secure File Browser in menu Statistics > Current s2member Accounting but according to your s2member preferences about Download limits, you can have a lot of things or just few lines…
Thank you. One question more: I suppose there is no possibility to present the downloads by type, date or name ?
Search results can be grouped by extension or path in version 0.4.
Version 0.4.1 will add an order shortcode option to order files in directories (not search results) by modification date or size.
It is easy to display files grouped by addition date, modification date or extension. Do you try the search=”1″ shortcode option with searchdisplay=”3″ for example ? Is it this behaviour you want by default (not only in the search feature) ?
Don’t hesitate to rate my plugin !
I was for the moment only interested by file order by modification date. So I will have to wait for next release ?? The only things – but you cannot do anything for this – is the lack of comment for each file. I give you 5 stars ??
Comments can be handled too as directories can be downloaded as zip.
We can imagine that if you set optionfilecomment to “1”, the browser will hide a file named like when it finds a regular file named blahblahblah.jpg. Then the is displayed in a popup if the user puts its mouse over a ? help button…
I can put this feature in the 0.4.1 too with file ordering by file modification date.
That can be interesting. Curious to see it working ?? But it will give some extra work as I will have to create a new file for commenting. In my case, I suppose a good name for the file will make the deal.
Mmmh… given that there is a database with all files now, you could comment files directly from the Manager in the admin part as you can rename or delete files… It should be better than creating a lot of help files.
In my case, I suppose a good name for the file will make the deal.
Can you provide an example ? Keep in mind that the downloaded file is always will be named exactly like the one in your file system.
Well, I’ve got files like this:
People can understand what I mean ?? I was speaking of my use of your plugin not the modifications you could do ?? – sorry for my bad english.
Comments can be interesting if I have to give some details not showing in the name of the files ( like: don’t forget to eat some donuts when reading it).Well, I’m a little lost with the filterfile shortcode. You should give some simple examples for people like me ??
I’ve put
[s2member_secure_files_browser collapseeasing="swing" collapsespeed="500" cutdirnames="0" cutfilenames="0" dirbase="%2Faccess-s2member-ccap-projet" dirfirst="0" displayall="0" displaydownloaded="2" displaysize="1" dirzip="0" expandeasing="swing" expandspeed="500" filterfile="/.loria./" folderevent="click" hidden="0" multifolder="1" openrecursive="0" s2alertbox="0" /]
and it shows all files in th directory – I need all files with “loria” or “Loria” in the name. It could be nice to get a default “by extension” listing.
This is not your fault !
You can put this too : filterfile=”/loria/i”
i at the end means case insensitiveThere is a new bug with filterfile in version 0.4.
Will be corrected tomorrow in version 0.4.1
Thank you for finding it !If you need a hotfix now, tell me, I can send you the file to replace or give my admin access to your wordpress blog to let me do it.
A lot of bug will be corrected tomorrow in 0.4.1
I can wait til tomorrow ??
Hi Potsky,
I need to have a Statistics > All Downloads report of the files that were downloaded and by whom they were. But the report is only showing the 10 last When/User/IP logs. No file names and no more than 10 items.
On the Statistics > Current s2member Accounting all logs are showing right. Although the option to show more then 10 is not working also.Should I change any specific settings?
Hi Mauricio !
The blank file name is a bug in the last version. It only occurs if you don’t use the shortcode (direct links so).
About the 10 lines, you don’t have any navigation bar ?
The next version is ready but I still have to test it on windows server. It hope releasing it in two days…
Hi Potsky,
Thanks for the reply.
Will these issues be solved on the new version?
I will upload at a pic of how the interface is being presented.Mauricio
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