• Hi Guys, the stats on the dashboard will currently show to any user that can access the dashboard, be it a subscriber or administrator.

    To fix this, add a line like so to lib/class-sendgrid-statistics.php as the first line within the Sendgrid_Statistics::add_sashboard_widget function

    if( !current_user_can('list_users') ) return;

    Alternatively you can create custom caps for this, but I think in most cases only admins should see this info, the above does that. This isn’t MultiSite compatible, I think all site admins will see the stats, maybe is_super_admin() would work as a check.


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  • Came here to stay the exact same thing. Was reported by one of my users as well. I had to drop this in and i made it for only people who can ‘manage_options’. Please fix this.

    Thread Starter Marcus (aka @msykes)


    @cklosows is right, manage_options is more appropriate actaully, or whatever cap SG uses to show their settings page

    if( !current_user_can('manage_options') ) return;

    I don’t need the stats there at all, so I used the following in my theme’s functions.php to remove the dashboard widget entirely:

    function doublee_remove_dashboard_widget() {
     	remove_meta_box( 'sendgrid_statistics_widget', 'dashboard', 'normal' );
    add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'doublee_remove_dashboard_widget' );

    I imagine this can be combined with some if_user_can stuff to apply it only to the roles you don’t want to see it.

    Thread Starter Marcus (aka @msykes)


    considering sendgrid hasn’t acknowledged the bug I may end up doing that if they push out an update without fixing this.


    They are aware of the issue. I’ve contacted them via Twitter. Their development staff is looking into fixing it.

    Thread Starter Marcus (aka @msykes)


    @cklosows, thx good to know

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