• I’m trying to use the stats plugin, but when I use my WordPress.com API key (which worked for Askimet) I get:

    The owner of that API Key (jdbahnsen) is not on the access list for this blog. When this blog was registered, a different API key was used. Have the owner of that API key visit the stats page on wordpress.com and add you using the form at the bottom of that page.

    I’ve gone to my wordpress.com dashboard page but can’t seem to figure out how to add this blog. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

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  • Same problem here – askimet works fine, have the pink-bar-of-death “WordPress.com Stats needs attention: please enter an API key or disable the plugin”.

    Now, just above the box to enter the API key, there’s a link to “Get your key here”, and it takes me to my wordpress.com profile & my API key, yet it will not accept it, just keeps giving me the same message.

    Has anyone found any other stats plugin that actually works?

    Same problem here…

    I’m having the same problem too. Seems like this has been mentioned loads of times but never been resolved.

    Can anyone one help?

    Ahhh, I just found an old post where a moderator recommended going back to the original blog and resetting the password. Done that and now it works fine.

    I wonder if this should be added to the FAQ maybe??

    going back to the original blog and resetting the password

    Your user’s pw?

    I have tried everything, reseting my password on my blogs and on WordPress.com and nothing works. API key works for Askimet, not for Stats.

    Here is the message I get when trying to get support from WordPress.com:

    We only provide support for WordPress.com blogs here. Please go to the www.ads-software.com Support Forum for further help.

    It doesn’t look like they want to resolve this issue. I suggest using another plugin for stats since WordPress Stats are not supported.

    The password doesn’t change the api key?!

    I have the same problem as others in this thread, I get this error message:

    The owner user2 of that API Key is not on the access list for this blog. When this blog was registered, virvla’s API key was used. To add you to the access list, virvla must visit this blog’s stats dashboard page and use the form at the bottom of that page.

    But that same api key worked just fine for Akismet?!

    I have two wordpress.COM blogs and I’ve tried the api key for both. For the other api key I get this message:

    You are not a member of this blog.

    If you have just installed the Automattic Stats plugin, this error probably appeared because the API key entered in the plugin belongs to a different WordPress.com user account.

    I’m at a loss for what to do now? I’ve tried resetting the password, which didn’t help at all.

    i’m having the same problem, but the thing that’s really weird is that i HAD blog stats working and then when i launched the site and redirected the blog address location blog stats stopped working. when i try to access stats through the dashboard i’m prompted to enter my username and password, but now wp.com won’t accept the password for the account that i got the API key with. AND wp.com isn’t resetting my password even though i’ve put through the request about 2 dozen times over the past 36 hours.

    I’m having the same problem. Hard coding the key in did not work for me.

    This is what I did to get the API key working:

    1. I hardcoded the key in the stats.php file
    2. Deactivated the stats plugin and then reactivated.

    Now the stats show up in the Dashboard under Blog Stats.

    Hope that helps ??

    It worked for me. Txs fertiletalk!

    I had a problem with stats not liking my identity… Turned out that my girlfriend had logged into wordpress.com and WP Stats was paying attention to the cookie (I assume… Open ID?) and denying me access, even with the API Key. Once I logged her out of wordpress.com and logged in as myself, everything went swimmingly. Let this be a lesson to you all: sharing is bad.

    Incidentally, why can’t WP Stats store my API key? Whenever I disable the plugin (which is not infrequently in these early days of testing WP 2.5), it forgets the key. Akismet has no problem storing the key across plugin deactivations, so I just cut and paste it from the Akismet field.


    I tried the same, it still returned an error. Ridiculous.

    +1 I’ve got the same issue as most people in this thread. Also waiting for an answer/update from support.

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