• Resolved gamerwithadegree



    I’ve just checked my WP popular posts stats, and it seems that stats stopped being logged from 19th May onward, i.e. it shows 0 views since then. My site is not hugely popular granted, but I have checked my ads stats and Webalizer in cpanel and it shows I got several hundred visits for the days proceeding 19th May, including a lot of views on blog posts which should be tracked by WPPP.

    I don’t think I’ve changed any settings, not really touched the plugin since in installing it.

    Wordpress version is 4.9.6 php version is 5.6 i think.

    Any ideas?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    Hi @gamerwithadegree,

    Just checked one of the articles from your site (“PlayStation 4
    Ubisoft Announce Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, a Sequel to Origins?”) and the plugin was able to register my visit normally (see screenshot).

    Can’t tell what might have happened since 19th May onward because, well, the plugin seems to be working normally now.

    If you have a caching plugin installed on your site, please configure it so it regenerates its cache at least once per day to make sure WPP can track your site’s pageviews without issues.

    If that’s not the case, then I’ll ask you to look into the error logs of your site and report if there’s anything that might be related to the plugin.

    Thread Starter gamerwithadegree



    Thank you for your reply. I am using WC Total Cache and it seems the page cache was needing emptied, possibly due to plugin updates. I have emptied the cache now, maybe that will fix the WPP issue.

    I also had a look at my error logs but couldnt find anything relating to WPP.

    Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    I am using WC Total Cache and it seems the page cache was needing emptied, possibly due to plugin updates. I have emptied the cache now, maybe that will fix the WPP issue.

    Yep, that should fix it.

    I recommend keeping an eye on the plugin’s changelog whenever a new update is released. I usually leave a notification there recommending users to purge their caching plugin’s cache when necessary.

    Thread Starter gamerwithadegree



    Unfortunately it seems clearing the cache in W3TC has not solved the issue, WP popular posts is still not logging any views. (see attached screenshot)

    I have enabled wp debug and debug log but there is no error relating to WPP in the logs. I would tend to agree that it is a caching issue but I am unsure what settings, etc in W3TC need to be altered.

    Can you please assist?

    Thank you.

    Screenshot of stats page

    Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    Hey there,

    Just checked your site and again visited one of your most recent articles. Same result: the plugin reported having registered my visit just fine.

    Try this:

    1. Go to your WordPress dashboard and hit ctrl+shift+J to open your browser’s developer console.
    2. With the console open, go to Settings > WordPress Popular Posts. Do you see any error messages?
    Thread Starter gamerwithadegree



    Thank you for your quick reply, this is everything that was in the browser console when I went to settings > WP Popular Posts

    ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined  www.gamerwithadegree.com:2:1
    NS_NOINTERFACE: Component returned failure code: 0x80004002 (NS_NOINTERFACE) [nsIWebProgress.DOMWindow]  WebNavigationContent.js:218
    TypeError: Argument 1 of StructuredCloneHolder.deserialize is not an object.  ExtensionChild.jsm:900:24
    Promise resolved after context unloaded
    This site appears to use a scroll-linked positioning effect. This may not work well with asynchronous panning; see https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Mozilla/Performance/ScrollLinkedEffects for further details and to join the discussion on related tools and features!  wp-admin
     action  tabs/SET_ACTIVE_TAB  @ 15:23:11.209Grammarly-bg.js:7666
    prev state Object { user: Object, tabs: Object, settings: Object, connection: Object }  Grammarly-bg.js:7671:169
    action     Object { type: "tabs/SET_ACTIVE_TAB", data: Object }  Grammarly-bg.js:7672:169
    next state Object { user: Object, tabs: Object, settings: Object, connection: Object }  Grammarly-bg.js:7674:169
    lib.page-config.config-loader INFO Config: next update in 27.27 m     Grammarly-bg.js:3508:24
    lib.tracking.call INFO gnar.pingMaybe  Array [  ]   Grammarly-bg.js:3508:24
    JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1  load-scripts.php:9:542
    tidy_background-onMessage: {"from":"tidy_content"}  tidy_background.js:73:3
    background: [{"id":3,"index":2,"windowId":3,"highlighted":true,"active":true,"pinned":false,"status":"loading","hidden":false,"discarded":false,"incognito":false,"width":1280,"height":579,"lastAccessed":1528640592607,"audible":false,"mutedInfo":{"muted":false},"isArticle":false,"isInReaderMode":false,"sharingState":{"camera":false,"microphone":false},"url":"https://www.gamerwithadegree.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=wordpress-popular-posts","title":"WordPress Popular Posts ? GamerWithADegree — WordPress","favIconUrl":""}]  tidy_background.js:110:9
    ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined  www.gamerwithadegree.com:2:1
    NS_NOINTERFACE: Component returned failure code: 0x80004002 (NS_NOINTERFACE) [nsIWebProgress.DOMWindow]  WebNavigationContent.js:218
    TypeError: Argument 1 of StructuredCloneHolder.deserialize is not an object.  ExtensionChild.jsm:900:24
    Promise resolved after context unloaded
    This site appears to use a scroll-linked positioning effect. This may not work well with asynchronous panning; see https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Mozilla/Performance/ScrollLinkedEffects for further details and to join the discussion on related tools and features!  wp-admin
     action  tabs/SET_ACTIVE_TAB  @ 15:23:11.209Grammarly-bg.js:7666
    prev state Object { user: Object, tabs: Object, settings: Object, connection: Object }  Grammarly-bg.js:7671:169
    action     Object { type: "tabs/SET_ACTIVE_TAB", data: Object }  Grammarly-bg.js:7672:169
    next state Object { user: Object, tabs: Object, settings: Object, connection: Object }  Grammarly-bg.js:7674:169
    lib.page-config.config-loader INFO Config: next update in 27.27 m     Grammarly-bg.js:3508:24
    lib.tracking.call INFO gnar.pingMaybe  Array [  ]   Grammarly-bg.js:3508:24
    JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1  load-scripts.php:9:542
    tidy_background-onMessage: {"from":"tidy_content"}  tidy_background.js:73:3
    background: [{"id":3,"index":2,"windowId":3,"highlighted":true,"active":true,"pinned":false,"status":"loading","hidden":false,"discarded":false,"incognito":false,"width":1280,"height":579,"lastAccessed":1528640592607,"audible":false,"mutedInfo":{"muted":false},"isArticle":false,"isInReaderMode":false,"sharingState":{"camera":false,"microphone":false},"url":"https://www.gamerwithadegree.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=wordpress-popular-posts","title":"WordPress Popular Posts ? GamerWithADegree — WordPress","favIconUrl":""}]  tidy_background.js:110:9

    I’m not really sure what much if it means though.

    Thanks for your help

    Thread Starter gamerwithadegree


    Hi, I just had a look at the last modified date of the WPP plugin folder, it was last modified on 18th May 2018, which is probably when I last updated it. As you can see from the screenshot in the previous post, it looks like the views stopped being logged part way through the 18th may.

    Could an update to the plugin have caused this issue?


    Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined

    jQuery not loading in the admin section is a problem, although I’m not sure it has any impact on WPP’s Stats section as everything seems to be loading properly.

    Could an update to the plugin have caused this issue?

    Not really sure how, it seems to work normally for everyone else but you (or else there would be others reporting the same issue).

    Let’s go back to the basics:

    1. Disable all of your plugins except for WPP.
    2. Visit any of your articles using another browser or via Incognito Mode.
    3. Check your Stats section: was your visit registered by WPP?
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Hector Cabrera. Reason: Fixed typo
    Thread Starter gamerwithadegree



    I have deactivated all plugins except WPP, I have opened chrome (was logged into admin on firefox) and clicked on a few articles, dashboard says 0 view in the last hour and stats page shows no view either.

    I have checked my local test site (WAMP) which has pretty much the same plugins as live site, except any caching plugin and the test site WPP has logged views in the last hour.

    I am at a loss for waht has happened, the only other caching related thing I can think of is my webhost stopped supporting the google pagespeed thing which I had activated in cpanel, the stopped supporting this on May 16th. When you inspect an image on my website, in the code the page speed thing is still being added for some reason.


    This page speed suffix is also added to other files it seems.

    I am not sure if this is indeed causing the issue but it’s the only thing I can think of.

    With all other plugins deactivated I no longer get the jquery not defined error so theres definetley a plugin causing an issue but I don’t know if its causing the WPP issue.

    Thanks for your help.

    Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    Well, it’s pretty much clear that something on the live site is causing the issue (otherwise you would have the same problem on the localhost version).

    This is a bit of work but it might help: try setting up a “staging” version of your live site (follow the instructions under “How to create a staging site for WordPress manually”). When you’re done:

    • Without making any chances, try visiting the staging site and check if the problem persists.
    • Switch to a different theme (eg. Twenty Seventeen), disable all plugins except for WPP and visit your site once more. Is the issue still there?
    Thread Starter gamerwithadegree



    I think I am getting closer to fixing the issue. I asked my host about the mod_pagespeed thing, which they stopped supporting around the 16th may. The cleared the cache for me that may have still be there. After that I noticed a directory called pagespeed cache, i manually deleted this in cpanel and cleared all cache in w3 total cache.

    I also added wpp.js to the exclude list like this:

    It says use relative paths, not sure if that is a relative path though.

    I managed to get 1 view to log but it stays at 1 view even after clicking on a lot of posts in another browser (localhost test site shows all view immediatley), so I think it’s still a caching issue but I am now stuck as to what to do.


    Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    Hey there!

    (…) cleared all cache in w3 total cache.

    How often is W3TC set to regenerate its cache?

    I also added wpp.js to the exclude list like this:

    Assuming you’re using the latest version of the plugin -don’t remember if you are-, that’s not the file you want to add to the exclusion list. If my memory serves me right, it’s wpp-4.1.0-min.js.

    Thread Starter gamerwithadegree



    under cache preload the update interval is 900 seconds. I don’t see any other setting for regenerating cache.

    I am using the latest version fo the WPP plugin.

    Sadly, I am back to 0 views per hour, it might be time to give up.

    Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    under cache preload the update interval is 900 seconds. I don’t see any other setting for regenerating cache.

    The setting you’re looking for is called Garbage collection interval under Advanced. Set it to 43200 seconds (that’s 12 hours), save changes, then go to Performance > Dashboard and click on Empty all caches.

    Edit: although I’m not sure if the above will work if you have the Preload option enabled (I remember seeing something like “Garbage collection settings will be ignored if the Preload option is active” somewhere.)

    Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    Alternatively, I could have a look for you. It sounds like you need an extra pair of eyes looking into the problem. If so, feel free to get in touch with me.

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