• I created a recipe with Woo commerce trigger and wordpress webhook.
    The recipe log status reads in progress. There are 11 recipes in progress. How can it trigger. Is there any other setting that is required.

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  • Hi @pjaya313, is there any chance you could link to a screenshot of the recipe?

    There are many possible reasons:

    – The purchase isn’t completed yet, maybe it’s in progress?
    – There are other triggers in the recipe that haven’t been satisfied.

    Seeing more info about the recipe you’re using would really help.

    Thread Starter pjaya313



    I have confirmed that the status of the order is complete.

    The recipe is written like this:
    Trigger: Woocommerce
    User purchases a product > Select product> Free membership

    Wordpress webhook:
    url : http:mydomain.com/subscribe
    Request method: Post

    Key: Value
    api xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    name {{user_firstname}} (This is from the common dropdown
    email {{user_email}}
    boolean true

    The webhook is for sendy email platform
    Am i missing something.

    As I check now, the recipe itself is not triggering. All 3 status (Action, Trigger and Recipe) is set to live.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by pjaya313.
    Plugin Author Uncanny Owl


    Hi @pjaya313, this is really strange.

    We recreated the steps that you provided on our internal development site and we were able to get the recipe to run and send data using a WordPress webhook upon purchasing an item.

    It would really be helpful to us if you could provide a screenshot of your recipe – that may help us determine if something in the recipe is incorrect. Maybe you could post it to an image hosting site and share the link there. A screenshot of the edit product page might help too; we’re wondering if it’s a custom product type or another Woo plugin modifying the order completion process that could be a factor.

    Can you also confirm too that the order shows as completed under WooCommerce > Orders in WordPress? If the order is autocompleting, are you using a plugin to do that?


    Thread Starter pjaya313


    HI ,

    The woocommerce purchase gives access to the Lifterlms course. I am not using any plugin to autocomplete. I am using virtual and downloading option in woocommerce which basically moves the order to complete.

    Here is the woocommerce setup: https://ibb.co/5xpmHFQ

    Here is the order completion screen: https://ibb.co/jG1LBSc

    And the recipe triggers: https://ibb.co/DDCB8gy

    Do let me know if you need any more screenshots.


    Plugin Author Uncanny Owl


    Thanks for the extra info. We are also seeing an issue on our side with the Virtual and Downloadable options. Our developers are investigating and we’ll provide an update as soon as we can.

    Plugin Author Uncanny Owl


    Sorry @pjaya313 , just as we’re looking at it… is there any chance you allowed Guest Checkout in Woo? The recipe will only work if there’s a user associated with the order, even for a webhook action–since it’s a logged in recipe. There MUST be a WordPress user associated with the order. Are you able to edit the order and confirm there is an associated WP user?


    Plugin Author Uncanny Owl


    Sorry, further testing revealed that the issue we saw on our side was an anomaly; further tests have been successful (provided the order is linked to a WP user). If you have a Staging environment, is there any chance you could test with just Woo, the payment gateway and Automator plugins enabled to rule out a plugin conflict?

    Our developer also noted in your screenshots that it seems like this isn’t stock WooCommerce, there are some modifications (or you’re using plugins to add features). What’s adding the “Enrollment” selection to the Woo edit order page? Can you test with other Woo plugins/modifications disabled so we can see if it’s a conflict with one of those?


    Plugin Author Uncanny Owl


    One likely final thought before the weekend… your recipe is set to run once only. If at any point you tested it and the trigger fired, that test would not work again for the same user since they had completed it once (even if you modified the recipe later). It may not be related, but since in your settings you have it configured to only run once, it could be a possibility.

    Thread Starter pjaya313


    Hey there,

    Thank you for the reply. I have Lifter LMS woo commerce integration plug installed so that once a user purchases the free product they get enrolled to the free membership.
    Guest check out is deactivated. Let me test it in staging. I will come back.

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