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  • Plugin Author Chris Klosowski


    Can you try the following to verify your data set looks ok?

    Go to your Jetpack Menu and click on Status Board.
    Copy the URL that the Add Jetpack Stats to Status Board button links to.
    Remove the following from the copied url: panicboard://?url=
    Then take the remaining content and run it through this URL Decoder:

    We need these steps as the Auto Add to Panic board uses a URL encoded method. You should be left with what looks like a normal url pointed to your website that looks like: string]&panel=graph

    Can you view this in your browser? If so, is there any errors or warnings displaying?

    Thread Starter fs.ucsd


    Hi Chris-

    We did the steps you asked. It outputs a blank page. No source code.

    Plugin Author Chris Klosowski


    Ok that shouldn’t be blank, at worst it should show you a not authorized…what is the HTTP status code you received? Do your error logs show anything that could point to the issue?

    I’ve tried this on a few of my sites and can’t replicate the problem right now.

    Thread Starter fs.ucsd


    I’ll check my logs. I receive an HTTP/200 OK response.

    Plugin Author Chris Klosowski


    Ok, if you are getting a 200 OK then you probably won’t see anything in the logs. My guess is something is stubbing the output of the JSON necessary for the graph. What other plugins do you have enabled? Have you tried disabling some of them and moving to a stock theme to see if that resolves the issue?

    Thread Starter fs.ucsd


    I just tried switching themes / disabling plugins. nothing.

    Plugin Author Chris Klosowski


    Can you please contact me via email at cklosowski at I’d like to look more in depth into this, however in a public forum isn’t the place just due to the data we’ll be passing back and forth.

    Look forward to hearing from you to resolve this.


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