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  • Thanks, Ian:

    You’ve pretty much expressed my feelings. I must be a masochist because I keep thinking that my next blog will be the one that turns into a cash cow. Ha!

    No, my idea of Nirvana is to set it (the blog) and forget it! That’s what I’d hoped for with SPM. I should have known better about getting the “next shiny new toy.” Oh, well, live and learn. I can’t let it get me down anymore. Blogs are definitely for tech-idiots like me. They’re easy to install and set up. But, as far as making money at them? Fat chance!

    I’m going back to freelance writing and will be setting up a blog listing my services. I think that, at least for me, that’s the only way to make any kind of income.

    I will give SPM another shot as I do have a good domain name and the blog looks decent. Candi is a sweetheart and is walking me through the steps of the new installation, so we’ll see what happens.

    You take care and good luck with all your ventures.

    If you find something for lazy people like us that actually works, please do let me know.



    how about just persevering – these blogs can make money, the thing to do is get one going then repeat it time and again…

    sounds like you might need to research getting traffic because as you know no traffic means no moolah in the bank…

    i assume you’ve done some work on your site keywords to make it serp friendly and i assume you’ve got the google analytics thing sorted out and search engine submission/backlinks you’ve done all that…?

    i have read somewhere you can get freelance writing offers but where is the fun in that…slaving away to allow some lazy sod to rake in dollars again it what that gets…!

    anyway hope you get it all figured out, after all having made this much effort and so on…

    that’s it from me…tata

    Hi, Ian:

    Well, miracle of miracles, I was somehow able to uninstall the original version and install the newer version of SPM. I do know a lot of traffic and SEO tricks, I’m just tired of the whole dog and pony routine. I have an article spinner called Magic Article Rewriter, but I can’t get the darn thing to work right. It’s just easier and faster for me to find an ezine article, or one that SPM finds for me, then completely rewrite it. But, it’s a pain in the rear and kind of defeats the whole point of automatic blogging. But, most of the articles are crap and so I’m going to go the extra mile and rewrite before I publish. Do you know of a spinner that works?

    Anyway, I’m back in the game for as long as I can stand it.


    good work – if your using winblows it aint that difficult so good good for you…give me a hoy if you run into any other difficulties

    if the modnan allow it here is a small gift to help with your further blog domination ventures (put bit dot ly forward slash in front of the following) ianrecommends it’s a great place to get some really good links and will help me – it’s your invitation link to join (it’s free).

    also i do have a spinner to recommend…actually it does a good job but you still have some work to do with it (as always) however the results are usually in the top level bracket instead of rewrite it yourself bracket…you just have to copy/paste them out to make sure your changes stick…

    go here (same again bit dot ly forward slash) ianrecommendsthistoo for what i will put my neck on the block and say you’ll be more than pleased with – the cost more than pays for itself…

    interesting you should mention as long as you can stand it…up until recently I must have spent more than a year banging my head against the what to buy for the best result wall…and trying to convince a mate of mine to join forces – I have recently resolved both, ironically the first was actually getting spm that spurred me on with greater motivation – the other was (through a colleague) being able to get a page #one position #one ranking on you know where – that singular activity convinced my mate to jump in…so now I am happy and relieved that I don’t have to torture myself any longer – I can torture him instead…(-:

    glad to see your going to hang about…if you want to bounce ideas, give grief to the world or just move off this wordpress support blog go to my mor website and leave a comment there – it is private – that way you can leave this place to the wordpress bugs…see the eZine article for url or follow this link (same again bit dot ly forward slash) iansonlinereviews top entry should be about my mor site…hey we’re even on twitter…

    you’ve got to love search engines…(-:

    catch you later – there’s hope yet…then…(-:

    cheers Ian

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