(Reponse to podz, above: phpmyadmin is a great tool, thanks, but I extracted the password by adding my own debugging echo command. But the install script is failing in other ways, per below.)
After a few days of experimenting I have the problem isolated down to one line inside the WordPress install scripts. install.php calls another file, upgrade-functions.php. Inside that file, execution is dispatched to function upgrade_110. Here’s a code snippet from that function. I’ve added all the echo commands as a debugging aid. Worpress programmers, any clue why this section of code, inside upgrade-functions.php, doesn’t return from the if statement?
// Convert passwords to MD5 and update table appropriately
$query = 'DESCRIBE '.$tableusers.' user_pass';
$res = $wpdb->get_results($query);
echo "in upgrade_110, just before if.";
if ($res[0]['Type'] != 'varchar(32)') {
echo "in upgrade_110, inside if statement.";
$wpdb->query('ALTER TABLE '.$tableusers.' MODIFY user_pass varchar(64) not null');
echo "in upgrade_110, just after if";
Here’s the html output that displays when I click into Step 3 of the install sequence. All output after the “Step 3” is from my own debugging echo commands:
Step 3
Just BEFORE upgrade_all with random password: efdfd1
. Just before upgrade_110.in upgrade_110, just before if.
Notice the echo inside the if doesn’t execute. And the echo just after the if doesn’t excute. So where does execution go? It seems the if statement is failing. What’s going on?