I am having the same problem at step 4 (Step 4: Downloading and Installing WordPress
Now it’s time to download WordPress. Once you’ve downloaded and unzipped the WordPress download, open up the “wordpress” folder. Click and drag all of the files from the wordpress folder to your MAMP document root (I use /Users/USERNAME/Sites/wordpress/).
Others with the default MAMP install should rename and drag the folder to the htdocs folder, located under /Applications/MAMP. Then in the browser, go to localhost:port/folder_renamed to run the install. For example, in the default MAMP install, if the folder was renamed wordpresstest, go to localhost:8888/wordpresstest.
Lastly, we’ve got to run WordPress’ famous 5-minute install. Visit your local site (localhost:port or localhost:port/wordpress), and enter the following information into the database setup form:
Database Name: wordpresstest
User Name (database): root
Password (database): root
Database Host/server: localhost
Table Prefix: wp_
Note that the default Database Name is “WordPress” and that you will need to change the Database Name to the name you entered into PHP Admin (in this case, “wordpresstest”). If you have multiple WordPress sites on your local machine, each of which is using its own database, you will need to make the Database Name in the WordPress configuration consistent with your second (or third or fourth) Database Name.
Once that’s complete, enter a blog name and email address, and you’re ready to use WordPress on your Mac.)
I don’t even see a place to enter information into a database setup form……