Sticky Member Profile
I don’t know if this is possible with Ultimate Member.
But I wouldn’t know if I don’t ask.
Is there any way in Ultimate Member to make some Members sticky?For example, in WordPress, we have sticky Post— where a Post that has been made to be sticky will always stay first.
I’m looking at making the Profile of One Member to have this sticky nature– so that irrespective of new Members registering, this particular Member Profile will always stay first.
Is this possible with Ultimate Member?
You can read this thread about sticky members in the directory.
I have followed the instruction here —
There are just a few things to sort out:
1.) What should the Dropdown Field Title be called?
2.) You said to “Set the field Privacy to Administrator role only“.
Unfortunately, I can’t find such setting in the Privacy Section. See the options that are there–
3.) Because it is a Dropdown field, it is asking for choices. Without entering any choice, the field is refusing to be saved.
How do I workaround this?
4.) Do you have an updated way of doing this by now?
What about a Code Snippet that could say:
if $member_ID=”24″, show first in Member’s Loop;
//Then for multiple IDs, it could say:
if $member_ID=”24, 32, 46″, show first in Member’s Loop;
Could you look or create a Code Snippet that could be that straight forward?
1. Sticky for example
2. Only specific roles -> Administrator
3. Enter options 0 and 1
4. No@missveronica (@missveronicatv)
Your technique and code seems to be working.
The values 0 and 1 determines the Member Order.
It works like WordPress Menu Order– where Menu Order 0 comes first before Menu Order 1.
The slight issue is that every newly created profile comes with 0 as the default Order.
And Profiles that I assign with value 1 comes second or after Profiles with value 0.
I have a new Member registered as Abby. The default value is 0.
I have Members called Brian and Cenar, and I assigned 0 as their own value.
Because Abby, Brian and Cenar have values of 0, they will come first before other Profiles.
But Abby still comes first before Brian and Cenar, because of Alphabetical Order of A coming first before B, and B coming first before C– even though I want Cenar to come first, Abby should come second and Brian should come third.
This brought to my mind, the need to be able to run this Order by Member ID, in the way that we do it many times when working with Elementor.
So that, if Abby is ID 1, Brian is ID 2 and Cena is ID 3.
I should be able to place these in a Comma separated list as { ID=”3, 1,2″}, and this should give me exact Order as needed– where I would have Cenar, Abby, then Brian.
If you can recreate this Code to accept Order according to inputed User ID, that would make more sense, and would be more flexible.
Regards.You can change the Members Directory sorting in the setup.
Change from Username sorting to New Users first or Old Users first
which is ID number order.missveronica (@missveronicatv)
So far, I am giving you a thousand Hugs ??.
You blew my mind with your generosity in supporting me, made me extremely happy, and saved me from a thousand frustrations.
I want to use this opportunity to give you a Thousand Thank You.
Thank You very much. I greatly appreciate all the niceness you’ve shown me.
Your Code is indeed working to some extent. But like I said, all those Generic Sorting Order will never work to give an exact positioning as we want.
That specific action of using User ID, is the only way that what I’m talking about can work.
I have tried all the sorting options, and none has produced the sorting Order I want.
See the way I want my Members to be arranged—
I need it to be possible that even people with Higher IDs and Higher Alphabetical Order can come first.
I know that you’ve been so helpful insomuch that my heart is touched to admire you emotionally.
But Please, give this my suggestion a bit of thought: Only a Method that sorts by User ID in a Comma separated list written as {ID=”8,6,5,2″} can give the exact sorting as expected.
See an example from my Elementor website–
You will see that items that should be last, according to any Generic Sorting Option, came first because ID gave more flexibility to enable sorting them in whatever Order we want.
This is supposed to be a Free Directory I’m creating for the Men of my Church. But I need the Head Pastor to come first, followed by his wife.
Then the Assistant Pastor, followed by his wife– while other Members can then follow.
Alphabetical Order is what all those in-built Generic Sorting Options still follow.
The only way to get exact sorting as desired, is to manually sort by User ID.
Would you Please consider this option, and extend the Code in such a way that we can manually insert User ID into the Code in a Comma separated List written as {ID=”8,6,5,2″}.
It could be the addition of an if-statement to the code like:sorting = default
if sorting =ID{“8,6,5,2″}
use(‘this custom sorting’)
use(‘default’)This ID Sorting Order will override the default Generic Sorting Options. And the specified IDs will come first in the Order Specified, before the Default Generic Sorting.
Would you Please consider how to extend the code to function in this way?
RegardsYou can try with this Members Directory setting:
“Only show specific users (Enter one username per line)”
I followed that Sorting Order, but it was worse.
See the Order I chose—
See the outcome—
The Order is very wrong. It was totally off point.
2.) That Specific User option is worse, on the ground that it only showed the Members that I specified.
However, what I need, is to first show some specific Users in a specific Order, then all other users can follow from there.
I do hope that the “Member ID + Default Sorting Order” can be built into Ultimate Member.
The way it works, is that if this Sorting option is chosen, it will provide an input field for us to enter our needed Member ID.
Then it will bring those users with specified Member IDs first, according to specified order of the inputted Member ID, after which it will continue with the Default sorting Order.
Truth is that, without the ability to specify the order by Member ID, there can be no other way(I can think of) to get an exact positioning.
Can you again, Please try to extend the Code in such a way that we can manually insert User ID into the Code in a Comma separated List written as {ID=”8,6,5,2″}.
And this will then bring the specified Members first, according to the specified ID order– before other Members can follow.
Can you Please try to extend the code to allow sorting through specific Member IDs?
Regards.You can try this new plugin “Members Directory CSV”
for Primary/Secondary sections for different sortings in the Members Directory.I’ve not installed your plugin because I was a bit confused on what I need to do, to get it to work.
Plus it seems I need certain other Third party plugins that will import, export, and so on, to get it to work.
These whole long process just confused me.
So I was wondering if there’s any way you can build it in a simplified way, and make it self sufficient– so that it functions straight with minimal set up?
I have built the plugin for easy setup for many different user requirements.
Either a CSV file with comments for each user ID if the priotity list is very long. The user management of the list is faster and easier with spreadsheet input.
An export plugin can be used for downloading the User IDs and username if required.A short priority list can be managed within UM settings with the same format as the CSV.
I have no plans for any changes in the plugin at the moment.
Hi @gamicord
This thread has been inactive for a while so we’re going to go ahead and mark it Resolved.
Please feel free to re-open this thread if any other questions come up and we’d be happy to help. ??
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