Hi lyhonlam
This Presentation is not bug.
Raindrops Sticky Post Shows Only WEB Site Home.
You need template and CSS customize when need to use more , next page tag,
Create Child Theme.
no need @import url("../twentyfourteen/style.css");
at style.css( automatic import )
theme holder name : child-rain
Theme Name: child-rain
Version: 1.0
Description: A child theme of raindrops
Template: raindrops
.single .raindrops-sticky .entry-content,
.single .raindrops-sticky .entry-title{
/* add 1.120*/
create single.php at child-rain holder
Copy Raindrops single.php to child-rain /single.php
Remove below code child-rain/single.php
if ( is_sticky( ) ) {
<div class="sticky-single-follow-text">
<strong><a href="<?php echo $raindrops_home_url;?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Sticky Post Shows Only WEB Site Home.', 'Raindrops' );?></a></strong>
Above customize will be shown sticky post at single post.
Thank you.