• Update:
    This forum still has 5 years old bug (as I’ve seen post regarding this that are 5 years old) where it gives the error 404 for all links. This is due to mod_rewrite not configured correct on the webserver.

    My review is still a 1 start as I think it’s very poor that you did not fix an issue that has been known for 5 years. It’s not user friendly and for me that what WP is all about.

    Note that I’ll be more than happy to change my review once it has been fixed.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by conde1. Reason: Follow-up review
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by conde1.
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  • Plugin Author gVectors Team


    Hi @conde1,
    Thank you for the review. Believe me this error is just a result of wrong configuration, or you’ve enabled the “Turn WordPress to wpForo” option, which disables all posts and page on the front-end only leaving the forum. You should read this option description before enabling it: https://wpforo.com/docs/root/getting-started/forum-page/turn-wordpress-to-wpforo/

    If this is not the case, then this is a permalink configuration issue. We can help you find the reason and fix it very easy. This problem has nothing to do with wpForo, just open a support topic and let us find the real problem maker for you.

    The review section is not a good place for support, so please contact as via support[at]gvectors.com email address or open a new support topic here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/wpforo/

    We’re waiting for your topic…
    Thank you!

    Plugin Author gVectors Team


    Hi @conde1,
    Any update on this? Have you opened a support topic?

    Thread Starter conde1


    Hi there, I found the error and it was due to URL rewirte not enabled on the webserver. I know this is not your fault but you should test for this in you installation script. I know there is multiple ways to test this from PHP.

    Plugin Author gVectors Team


    Thank you for the update. Believe me there are more than one hundred things in server configuration that can be checked by a plugin, the “URL rewrite” is enabled on 99.9% hosting servers, so we only check the ones with less percent. That’s why wpForo has a documentation and the first section is the Server Requirements: https://wpforo.com/docs/root/wpforo-installation/server-requirements/

    We’ve created this doc for you to make sure you install wpForo on a correct configured server. And here is the information that you should have read:

    I hope you’ll consider changing your review.
    Thank you in advance and happy holidays!

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