• I’ve read thru several of the forums concerning videos not showing up on your web page or blog and still have not been able to figure this one out.
    First I should say that I am hosting my WordPress site at my hosting service provider. The site is https://www.propheticflow.org
    I’ve created a dedicated folder for my videos under my wp-content folder called ‘videos’
    Placed a test video in it.
    Then thru the dashboard tried to embed the video into a new web page aptly named ‘Videos’ under a ‘Missions’ page….
    When I go to view the page it shows me the video box and the play button is there. When I play the video I see an error that says ‘File not found or access is denied’
    Can anyone help me out here? I don’t know what I’m missing.

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  • try chmod 777 on /wp-content
    do another upload
    should work
    chmod folder back to 755

    Thread Starter isnemo


    In the first part of this will the chmod 777 happen to ALL files and folders within the wp-content folder? And if so… how do I chmod back to 755 on the folder (wp-content) only….

    you can use an ftp client or your hosts’ file manager to chmod the folders – wouldn’t hurt to do them all for one time – it should work at the secure 755 chmod after an upload

    Thread Starter isnemo


    OK.. I’ll try it again. I’ve changed the permissions to 777 and will leave it there for now…. if I get the video working I’ll change the folder back to 755.

    Thread Starter isnemo


    Still no go. I’ve tried to change the mod and it seems to have worked… in a limited fashion. It’s not changing all the directories below the wp-content directory. I’ve tried changing some of them manually and even changing the permissions on the video itself… nothing… still get that stupid ‘Video not found or access is denied’… I don’t get it.

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