• Resolved Andre


    haha…good thing I can read french ??

    I just installed version 1.5.0 and my installation is in french; looks like this wasn’t solved yet. Anyway, just thought I would let you know, but not a big deal for me because French is my second language.

    As a side note, I’ve struggled for such a long time to find a plugin that let’s me do manual ordering for a specific category, and then found your plugin. For me, it works! My first words were….Finally!

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  • Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet


    HI Andre,

    that’s odd. I tested it again this morning with a fresh download from the repo and it still displays en english for my ‘en_US’ loale WordPress installation. I also tried it on a en_GB locale and it works fine for me. What locale is your installation?

    Thread Starter Andre


    I was trying this out on XAMPP on a Windows 10 setup, but it’s also showing in the dashboard when I installed this on a live site…but my local is Canada (English).

    Utiliser le tri manuel pour cette catégorie ?



    UPDATE: I just looked at the language files in the plugin, no french there. I see:

    de_DE, en, en_GB, en_US, es_ES, and ru_RU

    Actually, I just opened the de_DE in my PoEdit Pro and see French to German translations there. I believe that should be French to English ??

    Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet


    Hi Andres,

    apologies, I seem to have totally missed your reply

    UPDATE: I just looked at the language files in the plugin, no french there. I see:

    the default is french, hence no translation.

    for en_CA copy the en_GB or US (which ever is closer) to your wp-content/languages/reorder-post-within-categories/ folder and rename it to en_CA, that will fix it and ensure it does not get overwritten by updates.

    Alternatively, edit the translation directly and it will get picked up by your plugin.

    I am marking this as resolved. In case you still have issues, just reply back and will try to help.

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