@crativetopia: Thanks for taking the time to provide feedback, even if it’s not what we like to read.
I did want to follow up with a comment and question. The comment is just that 2.0.33 is dramatically more stable than the very first version of our long-overdue major overhaul of the plugin in August. Voting and support volume is already approaching levels similar to the legacy version, which was a 6 year old, highly stable codebase. I have the sense that many people still have in mind the initial issues in August, and don’t realize how dramatically the situation has changed since then.
Given all that, the question is are you updating to the lastest version, and if so, what issues are you having exactly? I tried checking your forum history to see what issues we might be missing, but I don’t see any support threads from you, and it looks like you’ve just created the account in the last month.
If you are actually unable to update to the latest version right now, that’s definitely something we’d want to hear about. To the extent others we know are still running the old legacy version 1.9.13, it’s not because of major problems updating, it’s generally because there’s some specific features that they really like that’s been translated fully to the new version.
In either case – whether you have major issues or a specific feature you’re looking for that we haven’t translated – we’d definitely like to know about it.
Thanks again. (Erick)