• The plugin is requiring php 5.3.. which is not installed on my server.. alright not all that bigga’ deal.. but the uninstall fill has an php error so you’ll have to delete it via https://FTP..

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  • Plugin Author Kerry Webster


    The 5.3 requirement is a mistake on my part. It should require only PHP 5.2.4 same as WordPress (www.ads-software.com/about/requirements/). I will get this fixed as soon as possible. You can edit line 234 to look for version 5.2.4 instead of 5.3 if this will help you get the plugin working on your site:

    234 $php_ver_needed = '5.2.4';

    As far as the uninstall script goes, I will have to do a little rewrite to make it do what it is supposed to do. I can get the PHP version check and the uninstall completed in version 3.0.1.

    Plugin Author Kerry Webster


    Misspelled ‘defined’ (definded) in the line below. This causes the PHP error. I will get this updated and uploaded as soon as possible.

    if ( !definded( 'WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN' ) )
    	exit ();

    Should be:

    if ( !defined( 'WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN' ) )
    	exit ();
    Plugin Author Kerry Webster


    All fixes are in place. Even though the download button for the plugin says 3.0, it will download 3.1 with the fixes mentioned above.

    Thread Starter joax


    uuh.. and where’s the settings page at?

    Thread Starter joax


    haha.. I see the how-to now..

    dropped a comment on your site for the beta testing.. i’ll got some ideas for you.. your current business model has room for some improvements ??

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