Hi @dvmorris1,
Sorry i’m not sure what the difference is between Checkout Blocks or Legacy Checkout.
The checkout blocks is the new checkout flow for WooCommerce since 8.3 and it uses Blocks to set up the Cart and Checkout pages (stores set up before this would continue to use the default checkout experience which is handled through the checkout and cart shortcodes).
You can learn more about this here: https://woocommerce.com/document/cart-checkout-blocks-status/.
I also discovered with some background reading that Virtual stock orders end in a status of Processing while Virtual +Download end in a status of Completed. I’ve tended to just leave our orders at Processing because I couldnt see what difference it made. I may change the proucts to virtual + download just for neatness even though they don’t have any downloads, unless there is some option I am missing to have virtuals end in status Completed without any further intervention from me.
The difference between Processing and Completed is that processing orders still need to be fulfilled (for instance, shipping a product). In the case of digital goods, this may involve sending the digital goods or granting access to the classes, as in your case. You can mark those orders as completed manually after the classes have been completed, or you could opt to make your products virtual + downloadable to do this automatically.
Regarding reserving the stock for when a product is added to the cart (instead of a pending order status), you can review this extension from our marketplace which can help you achieve this: https://woocommerce.com/products/reserve-stock-for-woocommerce/.
Keep in mind, if you want to try our products, you can leverage our 30-day refund policy. In a nutshell, it gives you 30 days to try it out, and if the product doesn’t work the way you need or you think another product would work better, we are more than happy to offer a full refund. You’ll find the details of [our refund policy here](https://woocommerce.com/refund-policy/).