• If the stock quantity is changed, the Save funtion is very imtermittent. Somtimes it makes the change and other times it does not make the change. I guess this is happening about 70% of the time which makes using the plugin very hard work as each product has to be checked once quantity changes have been made. This only seems to have happened since the last update.

    Everyting else about the plugin is great …… good layout, useful features etc………Fix this issue and and it will be a very excellent plugin.

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  • I was just coming to log a ticket about the same thing. It really seems to have started since the last update for me. If I hit the SAVE ALL at the bottom, it seems to work fine, but if I hit enter or hit the save next to the product, it never works. And if I change a product to Zero, I can’t get it to save either way.

    The latest 1.1.9 update has created a disaster in my inventory.
    The “Save” button does not update the amount of the product. Only the “save all” button works.

    The problem is that in the last two days I’ve updated a lot of products with the “Save” button, … and now I have all the wrong amounts.

    WordPress 4.8.2
    WooCommerce 3.2.1
    Stock Manager 1.1.9

    Plugin Contributor Musilda


    Hello, update witf fix is available.

    Thank you. ☆☆☆☆☆
    This plugin is crucial.

    I did the update and it appears to still not be working correctly if the item was in a negative state. Just tried to update a product that was -1 and I couldn’t change it to 0 or to a positive number. It would not save

    Plugin Contributor Musilda


    How you have set other rules?

    Manage stock
    Stock status

    Is this product simple or variation?

    It is a simple product. It actually looks like it is only happening when I search for a product and then try to adjust it. When I just bring up all products the save function appears to be working correctly
    Thank you and sorry for the dupe ticket. I wasn’t sure if this had been closed

    Plugin Contributor Musilda


    What kind of searching? Search by sku?

    Search by product name

    Thread Starter lymebaytackle



    I have updated to the latest version and it is still very intermittent.

    On some products both ‘save’ and ‘save all’ work perfectly, on other products ‘save’ will not work but ‘Save all’ works, and on a few products both ‘save’ and ‘save all’ do not work and I am forced to amend the product quantites via the product details page.

    When it does not work it tends to be with variable products and I have a lot of these on my site.

    I have checked to make sure the ‘manage stock’ is enabled, however, it has to be enabled to enter stock quantites when the product is first set up.

    For you plugin to work does ‘manage stock’ need to be set at product level as well as variation level ?

    Thread Starter lymebaytackle



    Further information on the above that may help you to solve the issue.

    1. The ‘save all’ button seems to work OK everytime on both simple and variable products.

    2. The ‘save’ button seems to work ok on simple products.

    3. If the save button is used on variable products, then sometimes it does save and most of the time it does not save. If it does not save then the ‘save all’ button will also not save. At this point it is best to go out of the plugin and then come back in again to change further products.

    Right now I am only using the ‘save all’ button as this seems most reliable.

    Hi all,
    same here after the update no of noth button works for me.
    The single save button and also the save all button dont works on variation products.

    Any idea?

    It looks like it does not work again, and I can not find a common factor in its intermittence. Unfortunately, I can only confirm the same problem that has reported @lymebaytackle : The “Save all” and “Save” do not work on variable products.

    WordPress 4.8.3
    WooCommerce 3.2.1
    Stock Manager 1.2.0

    Same problem here like @flyangel same version
    WordPress 4.8.3
    WooCommerce 3.2.1
    Stock Manager 1.2.0

    Some variations updates stock others don’t. Always with active stock manage.

    Both in simple products and in variable products:
    → when I change the quantity from any number (which is not 0) to another number (which is not 0)
    – “Save all” button works;
    – “Save” button works;

    → when I change the quantity from any number to 0 (and vice versa)
    – “Save all” button does not work (nothing changes);
    – “Save” button seems to works only on product variation quantity, but the status of the variation remain “In Stock” and the total quantity of the product does not change.

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