• 80% of our site pages are Classic, and it’s great. But a handful of pages need more, so I switch them to Gutenberg blocks.

    I have an editor who is an exec, who only knows how to use Classic. She opens “Gutenberg” blocks pages in Classic, changes words here and there, then saves. Mostly the blocks are restored, but I’ve had problems where she deleted code she can’t see.

    Convincing her to not do this isn’t an option.

    Is there any plugin that:

    • Once something is in Gutenberg, every user ONLY gets Gutenberg. There is no way they can switch to classic.
    • If it’s Classic, every user gets Classic, but Admin can switch – unidirectional.
    • i.e. some way of locking Gutenberg pages. (And I don’t mind if it’s manual.)
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