• The negative reviews on here are enough to make one’s head spin. Before giving into the temptation to add another one to the pile, please consider the following:

    First of all, this is a plugin to test the development version of the block editor, not the official space to vent your feelings about the direction of the development of WordPress.

    Secondly, consider how unfair it is that when a group of people invest countless amounts of time, effort, and intelligence in making a whole slew of new capabilities freely available to the world at large, while leaving existing capabilities available, that others find it needful to go out of their way to complain about it.

    Thirdly, there’s an element of human phycology that should be factored into your feelings about Gutenberg… people, in general, are more motivated by the prospect of loss than the prospect of gain. There seems to be a frenzied fear in the WordPress community that we’re “loosing” the classic experience and being “forced” into a new one. So much so that people are now forking WordPress because of it, and egging each other on to throw mud “on the way out”. This assumption of “loss” is not only untrue because of the official “Classic Editor” experience is still available, but because WordPress continues to be committed to being an extensible platform that will have almost any kind of editing experience available in the plugin ecosystem indefinitely, even long after any official support for the “Classic Editor” plugin may possibly be removed.

    Finally, and regardless, anything that wants to remain relevant over the long term needs to be willing to make constant disruptive changes. Smart brands like Apple, Google, and Microsoft realize this, and we generally applaud them for it. The leadership of WordPress obviously understands this as well. WordPress would certainly become irrelevant in the fast-paced world of the Internet without this leadership. Let’s not use their generosity to make conversations like this possible as an opportunity to undermine their foresight.

    If you want to contribute in meaningful ways to the conversations surrounding outstanding issues in the state of Gutenberg development, please start or join a ticket on Github. If you want to use the classic editor or some other WordPress builder, please do…indefinitely. If you left a negative review here simply because you hate the fact that WordPress incorporated an official block-based editor, please consider removing or revising it. If you want to leave a meaningful review on this particular development plugin, feel free. Here’s mine:

    I really enjoy testing out the future development features of the WordPress block builder with this plugin. Thanks so much to everyone who is working so hard on this.


    • This topic was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Kevin Shenk.
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  • @batonac With the greatest respect, this is totally the RIGHT place for contributions, criticisms and venting frustrations.

    If this Gutenberg plug indicates the future direction of travel for the core block editor, then something needs to be said here (and on Github, Trac etc) to provide feedback and try to effect change.

    Thread Starter Kevin Shenk


    @mrarrow your respect is granted and reciprocated; I’ll easily grant that I may have overstated my case.

    If feedback is helpful and constructive, then I don’t really care where it’s offered.

    There are far too many reviews on here which are summarized by “Automatic, please trash Gutenberg and send us back to the classic editor.” These are both unhelpful and a pattern that’s far too predictable. Look up the new coke protests of 1985 to see what I mean.

    Moderator Yui



    closing for comments.
    Also let me remind to all who has left a reply here:
    Its reviews for plugin (future versions of standart block editor) not for the standart block editor which comes bundled with WP.

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