Since Dec 3, no one has been able to submit a form. Prior to that I tested and had others test and form submissions were all successful as were emails. I am using flamingo to store the data but emails were working as they were going to another member of my organization.
We are in development and I wasn’t aware of a problem until someone drew my attention to the fact that he couldn’t submit a form. I spent considerable effort today exploring possible causes. I removed recaptcha completely, I reverted to default WP theme. I removed other code from the page (there was a paypal button below the form which was raising a warning in the debugger). I went over the syntax very carefully.
When I first tested today I got an error (‘There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later.’) but after a couple of trials even that stopped occurring. There was a spinner on the next couple of attempts, then nothing at all.
I reloaded the page and cleared the cache between trial. I created a basic default contact form and submission failed.
There are other weird problems. Some fields sometimes change color to grey or yellow following submission. I had a hidden field which will not stay hidden. I can ask my host tomorrow (Monday) about making sure the REST api is enabled. Otherwise, no clue. All was well before this began.