• This plugin has been working fine for us for a number of years now.

    Suddenly today it stopped working.

    Is there any support left here to help or am I just SOL?



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  • Where can I find this plugin?

    @webwavesca Did it stop working after you did the last major upgrade? I have been using this as well and have not upgraded yet – I am wondering if I should delay until I find a plugin that is not looking to gouge 80 USD per year for the same functionality…

    It still works fine for me on several sites using WP 5.61 and Woo 4.92. You need to have a province entered during checkout for e-transfer to show up.

    Even if I have a province set, it doesn’t seem to show up for me. Could be a configuration thing.. not sure.

    Thread Starter webwavesca


    This plugin is clearly abandoned.

    I’ll take it over if the author is willing to pass the torch.

    That would be awesome. Author is MIA so hopefully you can contact them. It’s open sources so couldn’t you use the existing code to build on if author is un-reachable?

    Works for me. Still use on a second site for E-transfers that are auto-deposited so no need for secret key.. Still functions well for adding instructions.

    Nothing like this out there and I’m sure people would be willing to pay for a monetized version that’s kept up to date.

    Really hoping the original dev @massoudshakeri might pop back up to update such a useful plugin.

    But after 2 yrs without updates and 8 months since last support reply, it may be reasonable to consider forking it.

    Is this happening @webwavesca? Are we forking this project and move forward on a different ownership? @thompsonpaul @buddylove72

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