@wiltwyck: We haven’t had other reports of 3.7.1 affecting the lightboxes yet, so this seems, at least for now, to be specific to your instance. A few initial thoughts:
*Can you clear your browser cache?
*If you are using a caching plugin, can you clear cache and deactivate/reactivate that plugin?
*Can you try going to Gallery > Other Options > Lightbox Effects, and testing some other lightbox effects so we know if it’s just one, or all of your lightboxes?
*Finally, if you’re still having it after all that, as a general troubleshooting measure, can you please try momentarily deactivating other plugins so we can confirm whether there’s a plugin conflict?
If you’ve done all that and it’s still not working, I’d probably ask if you can submit a bug report with WordPress and FTP login credentials so we can take a look at what’s happening. https://www.nextgen-gallery.com/report-bug/
Thanks! (Erick)