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  • You can ??

    There is a filter called wpseo_stopwords which you can use to change, replace or even completely remove the stopwords list.

    Hope this helps.

    Thread Starter fassrl


    Is it possible to be more specific? Better if you can provide a little example ??

    Thank you

    There’s several examples of this around, a search will help you find these.

    Simple example – add something along the lines of the below to your (child-)theme’s functions.php file:

    function my_stopwords( $stopwords ) {
    	// do something with the stopwords
    	return $stopwords;
    add_filter( 'wpseo_stopwords', 'my_stopwords' );

    Please mark this topic as resolved.

    Thread Starter fassrl



    FYI – As of today the 173 stop words are:

    Array (
     [0] => a
     [1] => about
     [2] => above
     [3] => after
     [4] => again
     [5] => against
     [6] => all
     [7] => am
     [8] => an
     [9] => and
     [10] => any
     [11] => are
     [12] => aren't
     [13] => as
     [14] => at
     [15] => be
     [16] => because
     [17] => been
     [18] => before
     [19] => being
     [20] => below
     [21] => between
     [22] => both
     [23] => but
     [24] => by
     [25] => can't
     [26] => cannot
     [27] => could
     [28] => couldn't
     [29] => did
     [30] => didn't
     [31] => do
     [32] => does
     [33] => doesn't
     [34] => doing
     [35] => don't
     [36] => down
     [37] => during
     [38] => each
     [39] => few
     [40] => for
     [41] => from
     [42] => further
     [43] => had
     [44] => hadn't
     [45] => has
     [46] => hasn't
     [47] => have
     [48] => haven't
     [49] => having
     [50] => he
     [51] => he'd
     [52] => he'll
     [53] => he's
     [54] => her
     [55] => here
     [56] => here's
     [57] => hers
     [58] => herself
     [59] => him
     [60] => himself
     [61] => his
     [62] => how
     [63] => how's
     [64] => i
     [65] => i'd
     [66] => i'll
     [67] => i'm
     [68] => i've
     [69] => if
     [70] => in
     [71] => into
     [72] => is
     [73] => isn't
     [74] => it
     [75] => it's
     [76] => its
     [77] => itself
     [78] => let's
     [79] => me
     [80] => more
     [81] => most
     [82] => mustn't
     [83] => my
     [84] => myself
     [85] => no
     [86] => nor
     [87] => not
     [88] => of
     [89] => off
     [90] => on
     [91] => once
     [92] => only
     [93] => or
     [94] => other
     [95] => ought
     [96] => our
     [97] => ours
     [98] => ourselves
     [99] => out
     [100] => over
     [101] => own
     [102] => same
     [103] => shan't
     [104] => she
     [105] => she'd
     [106] => she'll
     [107] => she's
     [108] => should
     [109] => shouldn't
     [110] => so
     [111] => some
     [112] => such
     [113] => than
     [114] => that
     [115] => that's
     [116] => the
     [117] => their
     [118] => theirs
     [119] => them
     [120] => themselves
     [121] => then
     [122] => there
     [123] => there's
     [124] => these
     [125] => they
     [126] => they'd
     [127] => they'll
     [128] => they're
     [129] => they've
     [130] => this
     [131] => those
     [132] => through
     [133] => to
     [134] => too
     [135] => under
     [136] => until
     [137] => up
     [138] => very
     [139] => was
     [140] => wasn't
     [141] => we
     [142] => we'd
     [143] => we'll
     [144] => we're
     [145] => we've
     [146] => were
     [147] => weren't
     [148] => what
     [149] => what's
     [150] => when
     [151] => when's
     [152] => where
     [153] => where's
     [154] => which
     [155] => while
     [156] => who
     [157] => who's
     [158] => whom
     [159] => why
     [160] => why's
     [161] => with
     [162] => won't
     [163] => would
     [164] => wouldn't
     [165] => you
     [166] => you'd
     [167] => you'll
     [168] => you're
     [169] => you've
     [170] => your
     [171] => yours
     [172] => yourself
     [173] => yourselves
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