Is it necessary to store these in the database or can they be cleaned out on a daily basis?
Yes, they are needed for your captcha settings. The old transients can be cleared out on a daily basis. The following steps can help you.
AIOWPS plugin has a code which will automatically clean up the old transient entries created by captcha feature. The code is triggered once daily via a wp cron event. You can try a simple test if you wish to confirm whether cleanup code is working. The cron job name is aiowps_hourly_cron_event.
1- First log into you DB via phpMyAdmin in an Apache server and observe how many transient entries you have in the wp options table with the following “aiowps_captcha” in the option name.
2- Next, from your wp admin panel deactivate and reactivate the AIOWPS plugin. (this will trigger the daily cron job which will run the transient cleanup code) Note: The following plugin WP Control allows you to run and manage cron jobs in your site. This is useful if you don’t have access to your server.
3- Then check your DB again to see if the old captcha transients were deleted. (If they are then you now that the cron job is working correctly in your site.)
4- I recommend that you hide your login page via one of the brute force features. This should limit the amount of transient entries produced by the captcha feature.
Let me know if the above helps you.
Thank you