storefront child missing index.php
I am having a small problem with implementing a child theme. I have a test server which has WordPress and Woocommerce installed. I installed storefront theme and I created all my pages. I customised the theme but I couldn’t do all the customisation I wanted so I created a child theme. i followed this:
This is my functions.php:
‘<?php// Import Storefront Styles
add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘enqueue_parent_theme_style’ );
function enqueue_parent_theme_style() {
wp_enqueue_style( ‘parent-style’, get_template_directory_uri().’/style.css’ );
}// Remove WooThemes Credit from Footer
add_action( ‘init’, ‘custom_remove_footer_credit’, 10 );
function custom_remove_footer_credit () {
remove_action( ‘storefront_footer’, ‘storefront_credit’, 20 );
add_action( ‘storefront_footer’, ‘custom_storefront_credit’, 20 );
function custom_storefront_credit() {
<div class=”site-info”>
? <?php echo get_bloginfo( ‘name’ ) . ‘ ‘ . get_the_date( ‘Y’ ); ?>
</div><!– .site-info –>
}// Remove search bar from the header.
add_action( ‘init’, ‘jk_remove_storefront_header_search’ );
function jk_remove_storefront_header_search() {
remove_action( ‘storefront_header’, ‘storefront_product_search’, 40 );
?>/’and this is my style.css:
Theme Name: Storefront-Child
Description: This is my personal CSS file
Version: 1.0.0 Alpha release
Author: Tankman15
Parent: storefront
*//* Remove the site name from the header.
————————————————————– */
.site-branding h1, .site-branding .site-description {
visibility: hidden; display: none;
}/* Set the global font to used (Tahoma).
————————————————————– */
html * {
font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;!important
}/* Set the global headings.
————————————————————– */
h1 {
text-transform: capitalize;
text-align: center;
h2 {text-transform: capitalize;}
h3 {text-transform: capitalize;}/* Set footer text.
————————————————————– */
.widget-area .widget {
color: red;
font-size: 10px;
}’I have read that I need to add: @import url(“../storefront/style.css”); to my style.css but I have also read that this is no longer needed. I have tried to add it and it made no difference.
I also tried to copy the index.php from storefront and place it within my child theme ( It didn’t make a difference.
What have I missed or missing?
Kind regards,
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