• Hello,

    I’m building a site using Storefront as the parent theme. Is there a new method to overriding templates that isn’t documented?

    Specifically, I need to override content-product.php. I’ve created the woocommerce folder in my child theme, added the template into the root of the folder (as it sits in the templates folder in the plugin), and it has absolutely no effect. To test, I made some temporary changes to the actual template in the plugin folder (I know–I wouldn’t normally do this) and the changes appear immediately. So I know it’s the right template.

    What am I doing wrong?

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  • Hey,

    It sounds like you’re doing everything correctly so without seeing your setup it’s hard to diagnose the issue here.

    I second the problem. More over, in Woocommerce status panel Templates files are marked as overriden.

    I just double checked this and it definitely works. Without access to your site I can’t really help further.



    Same issue



    I have discovered the reason for the problem.
    In “/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-status&tab=tools” is a checkbox for “Template Debug Mode”.
    I checked this off, and voila, all overwritings in my woocommerce directory are active.

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