still not showing at the customizer after uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin, but somehow i get around by applying the shortcode directly and the parallax hero is now showing!
What i copied from the documentation:
[parallax_hero heading_text=”Heading text!” background_img=”https://path-to.img” alignment=”left” parallax=”0″ overlay_color=”#f00″ layout=”fixed” full_height=”0″ style=”border: 1em solid red;”]
But the problem is without the settings in the customizer, i can only only managed to edit based on the above shortcode, which is not exactly the way i want.
Can anyone tell me how to integrate the following into the shortcode?
‘background_size’ = 100%? or px?
‘alignment’ = left/center/right?
‘layout’= any option other than fixed ??
‘parallax’ ??
‘parallax_scroll’ ??
‘full_height’ = 0 or 1?
‘style’ = (ok i can work from the sample border: 1em solid red;)
‘overlay_style’ =??
Thank you!
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by