• I’m converting a Kid Friendly education site to WordPress and included is a kid-friendly search. I’d like to store what they say for the session and the old site uses _SESSION, but I understand session_start() as a no-no in WordPress and even throws an issue on the Site Health page.

    That said, I’ve created a Custom Post Type for results, and the archive-cpt.php page needs to be transformed into a search that has checkboxes for “I like Sports, Cooking, Computers, Drawing, etc” and save their choices while they are looking at the results. If they’ve already done that, then it shows them the results without having to do it again, with an option to start over.

    What is the best way to save something temporary like this in WP nowadays?

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    You could save temporary data as transients. Other options are passing information as POST data or a GET query string; saving data in cookies; or if the user is logged in, save in user meta.

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