• Resolved rarcher30


    hi there, appears as though you are very on top of your support which is very unusual for plugins offered on www.ads-software.com (sad i know).

    just wondering if your plugin has the ability to store and export quiz results. it seems that it does everything else that i require. I was actually going to purchase your plugin over a year ago but I opted to go with WP Simple Survey by Richard Royal but i’ve come a bit stuck with the handling and exporting of user data. It makes my database fall over and now i can’t even retrieve any results at all. When i could get the data it came in a very messy CSV file that took me ages to sort through to get any kind of good data analysis.

    Anyway, just wondering if you can support this feature? Our organisation would be very interested.


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  • Plugin Author Bob


    Hi, yes, there is export for cumulative results and for individual user details (talking about pro version here). Feel free to check it yourself at the sandbox blog (login details are provided at the demo page). The export links are on Manage questions page.

    Thread Starter rarcher30


    Thank you very much for that information. I will check out the sandbox and get back to you. ??

    Thread Starter rarcher30


    I think you may be the solution for us but I just need to ask a few more small questions:

    1) I could not find the option to export results from the sandbox, can you please tell me where i can find it. Also this reporting module is additional to the pro plugin isn’t it?
    2) Is there a limit to how many quiz attempts the database can store? (As with the WP Simple Survey plugin it cannot handle high volume and I was getting the following error: “Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 84 bytes) in /webdocs/school-hosting/goldcoastsouth/talloec/www/wordpress/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1449” – not sure if this was a hosting issue or a plugin issue. Richard Royal the plugin author does admit that the queries could be written better and less verbose.

    3) All our test users need to be guests, it is too much to ask visiting kids to join up and become a member. At the end of the test our system will email them and their teacher the results of the quiz attempt. Also we need to store the results under the names given by the students (in a form they fill out after finishing the quiz) Is this possible?

    For clarity, please refer to our quiz in its present form (https://thebeachschool.eq.edu.au/index.php/test-quiz-page/). We need exactly the same functionality plus some powerful backend features to report the collected data (which it appears you have in PRO version) – we are just unsure about the export features and storing user data without them being a member of our website.

    If you wish to discuss this in a more private setting, please email me at [email protected]

    Thank you for your time.

    Thread Starter rarcher30


    Sorry but I could not find “Cummulative Stats” either.

    Plugin Author Bob


    Here’s an example page where you can export results:


    There are two export links on top. If you click on “View” for specific taking details, you can download that user details too. You don’t need the reporting module for this, this functionality is part of the core plugin.

    2) No, there is no limit. The error you were getting from the other plugin is due to a large DB query that exhausts the memory

    3) No problem, you can require their emails without asking them to register. You can also get their names as an “open-end” question.

    I had a look at your example – no problem to handle it except the progress bar.

    Thread Starter rarcher30


    Thanks for the quick answers.
    If your (Pro) plugin can do all the things that you already see on the website, I think we’d like to go ahead and get it.

    Don’t worry about the progress bar – that was just an extra bonus.

    One more thing – I have noticed you have got some rich reporting features included in the “My Exams” plugin. Is the reporting limited to the category/test or can we get that kind or reporting for each question? So we can analyse how many users got each question correct/incorrect.

    At this stage, we only want to run one test with this plugin and the deputy principal has some pretty ambitious requirements for data collection. If we could get graph data for results per question, I’d expect the DP to be over the moon with joy!!

    Many thanks for your assistance.

    Plugin Author Bob


    Those extended reporting features are part of the reporting module – so just to clarify, the core plugin has the results and exporting feature, you don’t need reporting module for this.
    You need reporting module for the extended stats that are available through “Exam reports” link.
    It’s best to either check the screnshots on the site or to login in the Sandbox blog (login credentials are given at the demo page) and explore if the reports per question are what you need.

    Thanks for your interest.

    Thread Starter rarcher30


    Ok everything is looking good so far. There is only one thing more i am concerned about. You mentioned that I could get the user details when they do exam as a guest (Q no 3).

    But when it comes to viewing the reports, does their name come up in the table under “Users who took exam ###”. I just did a test on one on the sandbox and i came up as N/A.

    Can you please show me an example where a guest user can do a test and then their name and email may come up in this table? Otherwise there is no easy way to identify them other than going through each attempt. At about 220 students a week this is a lot of processing.

    Plugin Author Bob


    Name does not come by default, only email. If you want to ask for name, you can add an “open end” required question.

    Thread Starter rarcher30


    So just to clarify, in the table “Users who took exam ###, anonymous users will still come up with the username N/A but the table will record their email address?

    I will just have to store their name in the quiz attempt.

    Thanks again for all your support.

    Plugin Author Bob


    Yes, their email will be stored if you choose “Email users their results” in the quiz form.

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