• Resolved bikerflyeradmin


    Hello,. I have created a form for frontend posting on the above page and have chosen story as posts type. I am using the wp story plugin. The featured image posts correctly, but the images uploaded in the form do not get added to the story. Can you please help me with this. I am willing to purchase the pro plugin if we can make it where users can create stories like on Instagram from the front end. Thank you so much!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello @bikerflyeradmin

    I trust you’re doing well!

    I’ve tested the plugin on my end, I can confirm that there is no image link added to the Image field, but there is an image added as a feature request.

    The WP Story can have the image field not registered as a custom field. It may require special integration. I’ve asked our developers to have a look and provide some feedback.

    We will reply back in this thread once there will be an update.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter bikerflyeradmin


    Thank you so much! It would be awesome if I could create a form to allow users to create a story in an easy way.

    I just found another story plugin that I like even better, storyftw, and I am going to try to create a form that will allow users to create a story with that plugin as well, but it might be more complicated, because the plugin requires the creation of a page first, then in the page settings there is an option to replace the page with a story. Perhaps you could look at https://wikacy.com/story-of-wikacy/

    That’s the page I have replaced with a story from storyftw. https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/storyftw/#faq

    It would be really awesome if we could create a form where a user could create there story page, then create there story. Or perhaps a page can be created automatically when a user registers, then have a custom field in the form which would dynamically post there stories to that page. I don’t know, it’s a lot of work, but it would be worth it, there are a lot of people trying to do this and there is a surprising lack of solutions for user created stories in WordPress.

    Plugin Support Saurabh – WPMU DEV Support


    Hello @bikerflyeradmin,

    Our SLS team came up with a small snippet that integrated Forminator and WP Story. But you would have to make some custom field additions for the same. Here is the link to the Git.


    You can import the form in the txt file and then add a mu-plugin included with the same. Here is how you can install an mu-plugin:

    Also, to import a form for the same, you can navigate to your WP-Admin-> Forminator-> Import

    Please let me know if that works for you.

    Prathamesh Palve

    Thread Starter bikerflyeradmin



    I have never received such awsome and professional service from any developers on here! You guys are the best! This is, that I know of, the very first FRONT-END instagram-style creator in wordpress! And it is now on my website thanks to you guys!!!! https://wikacy.com

    Of course I have to tweak it a little so that users can upload more than one story image, but the basics are done!

    Just for anybody reading this, I installed the mu-plugin and imported the story submission form and was even able to put it in a pop-up anything button so that the form appears in a pop-up on my home page! And it works beautifully! And fast! And it didn’t slow my site down at all! And it automatically ads it to the displayed stories! That is some real wizardry!!!! lol!!!

    This is, hands down, the best group of guys out there!!! I am going to purchase your premium plugin now just out of appreciation, and I am sure I will be able to create some awsomeness with it!

    Thank you guys soooo much!!!

    Thread Starter bikerflyeradmin


    Now I am going to try to figure out how to display the logged-in users story in buddypress profile!!!

    Thread Starter bikerflyeradmin


    Have you guys ever created a form with the canva graphic design button. I have been approved for the canva button and have my api keys and need to create a form where my users can click on the canva button and when they are done with their design insert it directly into the post or buddydrive.

    Let me know if you have ever encountered this.


    Hello @bikerflyeradmin

    I trust you’re doing well!

    I’m afraid we have not created a form with the Canva design button. Please let us know how it should be related to the Forminator form? As far as I see the Canva Design Button provides a code that works independently from any kind of forms.

    Please advise,

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter bikerflyeradmin


    Hello, I’m sorry, I should explain more. What I am trying to do is allow my users to use the Canva button within a front end post form, so that the Canva API will insert their creation into the featured image feild for the post, or into any media feild, such as the image feild for the custom story form.

    If you can point me to sume good study resources on this it would be awesome!

    I would also like to create a feild which would allow users to select from a Dropbox of images that I create, then edit with canva if they want.

    Any help would be appreciated. You are the best team in the world as far as I am concerned, and I am going to keep my promise to purchase the pro plugin when I get my paycheck this week!

    Plugin Support Williams – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @bikerflyeradmin

    I must say I don’t have any experience with Canva and as far as I’m aware we’ve never did anything Canva-related in terms of coding, so far.

    I looked into Canva Button docs though and I think it might be quite simple actually. Take a look please:


    This is a description of various parameters that you can use to “cusotmize” the button. There’s an option to “build the button” so if you use that you should get a basic button code to place on your site.

    What you would want to do would be to make sure that the button is added on the very same page where your form is and then:

    – check (e.g. using browser “inspector” tool) what’s the CSS ID of the image field in the form; note: it has to be an input type filed that takes image URL, not an upload type field, that is used for adding the image to the story

    – following that article, modify the button code that you got to add “data-on-publish-url-input” attribute

    The result should be that once your page visitor clicks on the button, canva starts for desing and once design is done, the image URL is automatically “injected” to that form field.

    Once it’s there it will can then be submitted without any additional changes just like any other URL as Forminator doesn’t really care whether input field value was added by JavaScript or manually typed-in by visitor.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter bikerflyeradmin



    I would like to make a story form that automatically sets theogged in users buddypress avatar as the features image in the story form. I found this code which is used in the themes php to display logged in users buddypress profile, but i am unsure how this would be done I’m the form:

    echo bp_core_fetch_avatar( array(
    ‘item_id’ => bp_loggedin_user_id(),
    ‘width’ => 50,
    ‘height’ => 50,
    ‘class’ => ‘avatar’,

    Could you help a little? Thank you guys soon much for everything!

    Hello @bikerflyeradmin

    I trust you’re doing well!

    You may set a default Avatar with the WP User Avatar plugin

    Although if you wish to set an avatar from the stories, I’m afraid this is outside of our support scope. Please contact the WP Story plugin’s developers so they could assist you with this.

    Kind regards,

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