• I came to Events Organiser from another events management plugin. Whilst it took me some time to get my head around the way repeated Events are handled (my “pre-conception” rather than a plugin issue – think of an Event as an object that can have an array of dates – rather than a one to one relationship of Event with Date – and you’ve “got it”), this makes for a superior “client experience” when managing multiple repeated events.

    Good documentation is available as both “user guide” and codex, although we would benefit from a few more detailed examples (me being “thick”!). That said, the sample code provided with the plugin will cover almost all your “regular” scenarios (so check the files out). Support (whether you’ve purchased the plugin or not) is quick, professional and effective.

    Would certainly recommend you check out Events Organiser if you’re looking for an Event Management system that’s easy for your clients to use.

    Big thumbs up to the plugin and its’ author Stephen Harris.

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