• I’ve made the catagories.php.

    When i’m on https://www.aficionado.dk/ – the ‘on-mouse-over’ on my categories looks ok.
    But if you press a category, and then look at the ‘on-mouse-over’ on my catagories, suddenly the ‘on-mouse-over’ text is off, and som htlm code is also displayed ( and ).

    How can i correct this ?
    Any help is really appreciated.

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  • Thread Starter aficionado


    No suggestions on this one ?

    Thread Starter aficionado


    Plz guys, this one is driving me crazy ??
    I cannot figure this one out….

    Moderator James Huff


    I’m sorry, I can’t reproduce the error in Firefox v1.0.7. Which browser are you using?

    Thread Starter aficionado


    i’m using internet explorer 6.0 ??

    Anyone else able to reproduce the error ?

    One the front page the ‘on-mouse-over’ on the category ‘Cigarer’ produces a text called “Anmeldelser af cigarer”.
    But if i enter that category, and THEN looks at the ‘on-mouse-over’ – on the category ‘Cigarer’, it produces a text called ” Anmeldelser af cigarer “

    Any good suggestions as to how to solve this ?

    Thread Starter aficionado


    No ideas ? ??

    Hi aficionado!

    No strange problem. Look at your category-template. This is in your title tag (from your code):
    title=”Anmeldelser af cigarer “

    Change this and all is okay.

    Thread Starter aficionado


    I’m sorry, but i’m completely lost on this one… My category template looks like this:




    <?php if ( is_category() ) : ?>
    <h3 id=”category-name-header”>
    <?php echo $cache_categories[$cat]->cat_name ?></h3>
    <?php add_filter(‘category_description’, ‘wpautop’); ?>
    <?php add_filter(‘category_description’, ‘wptexturize’); ?>
    <div id=”category-description”>
    <?php echo category_description(); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

    <div class=”post”>
    <h5 class=”storytitle” id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>”>” rel=”bookmark”><?php the_title(); ?></h5>

    <div class=”storycontent”>

    <?php trackback_rdf(); ?>


    <?php comments_template(); ?>

    <?php endwhile; else: ?>
    <?php _e(‘Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.’); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php posts_nav_link(‘ — ‘, __(‘« Previous Page’), __(‘Next Page »’)); ?>

    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    Where should i make a change, and what should i change it to ?

    Thanks for trying to help me out, i really appreciate it.

    If you have problem with your sidebar – why are you posting here the category.php code?
    (BTW, please, post long code to https://pastebin.com or similar sites; and for code snippets here use the “backtickes” – see the instructions below the text input area here!)

    Thread Starter aficionado


    Evita indicated that the problem could lie in my category template, and when editing my site through WordPress, i have a page called ‘Category Template’ – and this is the file i posted here, hoping it would make it easier to help me out. It might be the wrong file i’ve pasted, if it is, i’m sorry, but then i’m not sure what my category template file is ?

    Ps. sorry for posting code incorrectly, i’ll try to be more correct next time.

    Thread Starter aficionado


    Can anyone point me to the right direction ?

    Thread Starter aficionado


    Noone ? ??

    These two lines look suspect:

    <?php add_filter('category_description', 'wpautop'); ?>
    <?php add_filter('category_description', 'wptexturize'); ?>

    I suspect it’s the wpautop that’s putting the tags around the description, then wptexturize is turning that (which would be invalid code) into &lt &p, which displays the tag as text.

    Try removing those lines and see what you get.

    Edit: hold on, that code is the categroy header. Is there something similar in your sidebar?

    Edit2: can you post the content of your sidebar.php in one of the pastebins moshu mentioned and post the link back here.

    Thread Starter aficionado


    My sidebar.php looks like this:

    There doesn’t seem to be any lines looking like:

    <?php add_filter(‘category_description’, ‘wpautop’); ?>
    <?php add_filter(‘category_description’, ‘wptexturize’); ?>

    in there… ??
    I don’t even know that wpautop and wptexturize is… so i’m afraid i am completely at your mercy in solving this…

    Thread Starter aficionado


    Can anyone lead me any further ?

    Thread Starter aficionado


    pleeeeeze ??

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