• Hello. I have some odd issues going on with my site. I’ve talked to support, and they are stumped. They referred me to the “pros” (your guys!) to find some resolution.

    In Google Webmaster tools I have 110 links that are showing as “not found” under crawl errors.

    There is a large chunk of 404 errors that seem to have started on Aug 26th. These errors seem to be images in posts, and they have a space in the file name. Here is an example.

    https://noahsdad.com/narnia/ /airforce-academy-chapel-colorado-springs2

    If you take the space out of the link, the picture opens up no problem. I’m not 100% sure, but it seems like I saw this issue in one of my plugins that shows bad links, and I corrected the issue and updated the link. I have no idea why this space is showing up with a space in the link, when the link is good. It’s putting that space in there, which is odd.

    This link shows it is linked from two pages,

    https://noahsdad.com/narnia/ /airforce-academy-chapel-colorado-springs2

    (Which is odd because this is the same link, one with the space, and one without the space.)

    This also leads me to one of my other issues, I am having issues with a lot of duplicate content. One URL with an ending forward slash (/) and one without the forward slash.

    Under HTML suggestions I have 81 pages with duplicate meta descriptions. Here is an example:

    https://noahsdad.com/ipad-developmental-app/ and

    I then I have 233 error with duplicate title tags. Here is an example:

    https://noahsdad.com/medical-concerns/ and

    This is making my popular content hard to understand because under “top pages” I have two stats for two different pages. For instance my most popular page is
    https://noahsdad.com/story/ (with the ending forward slash) however further down the page https://noahsdad.com/story (without the slash) also shows up. So I have to someone combine those stats, what keywords brought traffic to that page, etc. It’s confusing.

    I have no idea why my pages are being duplicated. One with the forward slash, and one without, or how to correct it.

    I need to clean all of this mess. Can someone please help me make sense of all of this, and what steps I need to make to clean it up.

    Feel free to ask any clarifying questions, or if you need me to post any of my settings, or info from wordpress or Gooogle Webmaster Tools.

    Thanks so much for your help.


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