Strange: My blog goes blank and then works – many times each day
I seem to have the strangest problem and this is driving my site users away in droves.
I’m using wordpress 3.1 with antisnews theme. Everything seem to be working perfectly fine until a week ago.
Suddenly, If I do nothing at the admin section, my blog stops loading and goes blank. And if I refresh the admin section or do any activities at the admin section, my blog starts loading for everyone again until after a while, then in goes blank again.
So for a week or so now I have been sitting and refreshing the admin section while awake and each time, of course, it stays blank until I login into the admin again.
over the week I have tried so many things listed on this forum and in good search. I have also reactivated all plugins and reinstall them one by one.
My host has checked everything and was baffled that when the site goes blank it doesn’t put out any errors messages in the error log.
I need help as this is killing my blog slowly.
I’ll be glad if anyone with good knowledge or wordpress could look at my site and see if there’s something wrong.
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