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  • Thread Starter travismallen


    I gotta sleep, but here’s the direction I’m going with this one.

    I think I need to set shadowbox to display HTML and then put the Stream Video Player shortcode in there some how… I can’t get do_shortcode to work though. Here’s where I stopped:

    $SVP_str = '[stream flv= hd= embed=false share=false width=640 height=480 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /]';
    //This just pulls it all together applying the shadowbox to an image
    $sImgString = '<a href="#" title="Andrew Case Reel" rel="shadowbox;width=700;height=510;player=html;content='.'do_shortcode('.$SVP_str.')'.'">' .
    '<img src="" width="130" height="102" />'.'</a>';
    // Print the reel image and link
    echo do_shortcode($sImgString);

    It just prints the shortcode as text. You can see it here by clicking on the “view reel” image on the left:


    Can I ask how you managed to get it working with shadowbox? I’ve tried multiple variations of your snippet above, but so far no luck.

    I have this on my “To do” list but I think that the way to do it is by putting the short code inside an “invisible” DIV (CSS display:none;) and make it visible just when Shadowbox or Lightbox has done the animation usin jQuery or Mootols matching the class or ID selector.

    Doesn’t work with IE8 (video not loaded).

    It works for me, let me do more tests.

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