Hey Seb,
WpStream goes beyond these and provides a full streaming solution, complete with WP integration, monetization tools, broadcasting tools, global video processing/distribution platform, built-in video player and easy to use tutorials.
When you create a ‘Live Channel’ on WpStream:
- a RTMP URL is generated for it – for broadcasting
- a HLS (.m3u8) URL is also generated – for playback
Depending on the setup, the user may or may not interact with these URLs. Especially in the case of the playback (except for advanced scenarios) the WpStream player auto-configures with the HLS URL and this is transparent to the user.
The built-in WpStream player does not (yet) provide ‘cast’ functionality – i.e. for Chromecast or AirPlay. However this can be achieved by using a 3rd party player.
If you’re solely looking for a player that connects to an existing .m3u8 URL, you may want to look for something like Bradmax.
Hope this helps, best wishes,