I guess you’re mixing up some things here. SCA and split pay is working.
Here my setup and some clearifications:
I’ve enabled stripe pay and split pay as storeadmin, also autowithdrawal on status completed. My vendor has choosen to be payed by stripe and has connected his account (I use standard accounts, not express, you can control this by a filter in eg. your theme).
The important thing to know is that stripe split pay + SCA works only with “Transfer Charge” Mode, this is why the dropdown dissappears if you enable that. So to get your admin commission you need to set 2 things in store management: wcfm to hold your commission AND a payment gateway charge (because in the above setup stripe charges YOU for the fees, not the vendor). The result is if somebody orders for 100€ and you charge 10% commission and 5% payment charge: you receive 100€ in stripe, minus the strpe fees, wcfm holds back your 10% commission and 5% fee and transfers (! IT IGNORES THE ORDER STATUS!) 85€ to the connected vendor account. So a few sings are broken here, but it is usable.
So I’m defintly not happy with this setup because if my vendor does not fulfill the order or the customer wants to refund I have a lot of trouble (but I don’t think you have any cahnce with split pay to prevent this). But as I’m also trying now for several weeks to get the paypal support to enable my payout api in LIVE env (you can’t do it on your own) I don’t have any other chance to handle card payments from my customers. Dumm gelaufen, I would say ??
But I hope I could help someone – it took me days to get it working at least on this stage….
another thing I could not fix is if I use stripe only for withdrawal – so NO split pay – it keeps telling me I have not enough funds in my account…. Has someone of you found similar problems?
and @wclovers I’ve found 2 bugs you should check or better fix if I’m not wrong ??
1 major: in wc-multivendor-marketplace/includes/payment-gateways/class-wcfmmp-gateway-stripe_split.php Line 390 your checking for wc endpoint order-pay – in my installation this never matches (on regular checkout). It triggers the inPage Modal for SCA, but it dissappears on it’s own before I can use it. If I nuke the else part of this if statement, so it always uses the “wcfm-stripe-confirmation” url append part,
everything works like expected during checkout and pay endpoint. (If I don’t, it works only if the customer goes into his saved orders and clicks on “Pay” and goes to payment process)
2 minor: you’re calling handleCardPayment in your JS, this is deprecated, use confirmCardPayment instead
This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by
This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by
This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by
adnoh. Reason: updated information for major bug