• Does anyone know about a plugin which would allow me to combine two or more reviews of hotel gyms?

    For example, two users of my website (HotelGymRater.com) have reviewed the hotel gym at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort:

    Review 1:
    Review 2:

    Now, these two reviews are just made as simply posts in a category called “USA”, since Hawaii is a state in the US. However, ideally, I’d like there to be one “header” with the two seperate reviews below it – just like TripAdvisor.

    Does anyone know about a suitable plugin which can handle reviews? I’ve tried to trawl Google, but I always come up with reviews of plugins… Or plug-ins which can display Google Reviews, WooCommerce product reviews, etc.

    Ideally, I’d like a plugin where each user-based review of a specific hotel gym is “stored” under one header with the specific details of the hotel – e.g. address, etc.

    View post on imgur.com

    Then, there’s an average score based on the user-based reviews. The plugin must be able to allow pictures – ideally up to 10 – one picture won’t be sufficient. Ideally, it should be visible to users who’s taken the pictures connected to each review if they’re displayed in one “pool” – just like at TripAdvisor:

    View post on imgur.com

    Thank you VERY much in advance for any feedback!

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Jan Dembowski.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    As you are likely aware, there are a good number of review plugins in the WP repository. Yet it’s still likely none exactly meet your requirements. Some customization may be required to get exactly what you want. I recommend focusing on how the plugin collects reviews and not so much on how they are presented. Obviously a plugin that at least allows reviews to include images would be one criteria.

    How the reviews are presented could be customized to fit your needs. The presentation is often more dependent on your theme than the plugin. It should be possible to customize the template used to display reviews. Depending on how close the default presentation is to what you want, customizing it could be feasible even to a non-coder. Some aptitude for coding is helpful, as would be some understanding of HTML.

    Thread Starter flophouse


    Thank you for your feedback!

    I’m not so worried about the design/visual look – I’m fairly confident I’d be able to crack that nut, so to speak.

    It more of a challenge finding the right plugin – there’s a lot of options WP repository, you’re right. However, it’s quite a jungle. It’s a must that pictures can be added and that scores in reviews can be aggregated. Anyway, I’m considering using a kind og listings plugin/theme as these might fulfill these two criteria.

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