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  • I forgot to mention that I am using the Header and Footer Plugin and inserted the script for Google’s SiteLink Search Box at the bottom of every Page & Post and this script in the header of every page:

    <script type="application/ld+json">
      "@context": "",
        "@type": "WebSite",
      "url": "",
      "potentialAction": {
        "@type": "SearchAction",
        "target": "{search_term_string}",
        "query-input":"required name=search_term_string"

    My site is so you can see how the SDTT marks my site.

    Yes, the SiteLinks Search Box Plugin is now part of Yoast’s WordPress-SEO and has the same error as the Yoast does.

    Hi @jsearles

    I am also facing the same problem with search box schema code. I fixed the error in code with your suggested code. But now I want to add this to my website. As you mentioned in your answer to add code

    OK – I tried to comment out lines 217 through 242 and that shut down my site. So I reinstalled WordPress-SEO to put the class-json-ld.php back to it’s original status.

    Then I added this code to my functions.php in my child theme

    add_filter( ‘wpseo_json_ld_output’, ‘__return_false’ );

    Success! No errors messages now.
    I need your help to add code.

    I am using eleven40 child theme and Genesis. But I unable to find the existing code for application/ld+json. Please can you help me where I can find and edit this code

    Thank You

    @jsidea – I am not a WordPress professional, just a person with a little coding experience who is trying to get my sites to report well in Google’s Webmaster Tools. GWT told me I didn’t have any Rich Snippets, so I’ve been working on that. Apparently it’s important to Google. Be sure that you are registered with GWT.

    Here are some links for you;

    Header-Footer Plugin

    Google’s Structured Data Overview

    JSON-LD Playground

    A page with other GWT Tool Links (works if you have a site registered)

    Here is the code for the Website and Search Term String

    <script type="application/ld+json">
      "@context": "",
        "@type": "WebSite",
      "url": "",
      "potentialAction": {
        "@type": "SearchAction",
        "target": "{search_term_string}",
        "query-input":"required name=search_term_string"

    Good luck. There are also plugins to add scripts to particular pages that could be useful for you.

    @jsearles – Thanks for your help!

    I find the isuue ! ??

    You must go to plugins->editor -> WordPress SEO ->
    find wordpress-seo/fronted/class-json-ld.php

    And you must to add /true to

    public function website() {
    		$this->data = array(
    			'@context' => '',
    			'@type'    => 'WebSite',
    			'url'      => $this->get_home_url(),
    			'name'     => $this->get_website_name(),
    public function website() {
    		$this->data = array(
    			'@context' => '',
    			'@type'    => 'WebSite',
    			'url'      => $this->get_home_url(),
    			'name'     => $this->get_website_name(),

    If doesn’t work
    {search_term_string} must be the same in ‘query-input’ and in ?s=

    $search_url = apply_filters( 'wpseo_json_ld_search_url', $this->get_home_url() . '?s={search_term_string}' );
    			$this->data['potentialAction'] = array(
    				'@type'       => 'SearchAction',
    				'target'      => $search_url,
    				'query-input' => 'required name=search_term_string',

    Sorry if something was incomprehensible, becouse I’m from Poland

    Thread Starter outrospective


    Thanka @mateuszx3 and everyone else who contributed to solve the issue. Your suggested fix (add /true to in wordpress-seo/fronted/class-json-ld.php) was successful!

    @tacoverdo (Plugin Author). Pls consider this fix for the next plugin version, as else things will result in an error again.


    Thanks to all friends! I have fixed the code successfully now there is no error.

    no problem ?? set solved

    Thanks @mateuszx3
    It worked for me too.

    Hi, I’m trying to fix this error on the wordpress-seo/frontend/class-json-ld.php file, but it’s “inactive”. I have the plugin activated. It looks like all my frontend php files are inactive as well.

    How do I activate this? It’s preventing me from updating the file. Thanks!

    It’s no matter
    When I do something in this file or another in editor it’s inactive too but work’ s it not try by ftp

    thank you mateuszx3! That worked!

    Hi @mateuszx3

    Thanks for your input – unfortunately it hasn’t worked for my site! The structured data test is returning the same 2 errors for WebSite – just now it says

    I checked the {search_term_string} also. Both ‘query-input’ and ‘?s=’ were listed as {search_term} so I changed this to {search_term_string} for both but still the error remains.

    May I kindly ask if you know why please? My URL is


    I’ve just looked into this a little more.

    If I copy and paste the source code into the Structured Data Testing Tool, all is fine. However, if I fetch the URL the old source code shows. Is this just a case of Google still reading the old code and so will update next time Google crawls my site?

    If so – Thank you @mateuszx3! Problem solved (I think).

    If not work set only search_term and tell me what is your search engine it is from theme or from Google

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