Thanks. Just to be clear, are you trying to equalize the height of the video and the box on the right at the top of the page? If so, this will be tricky as the video has a fixed aspect ratio, so we can’t increase the height alone with stretching the video beyond its native resolution (the width would need to increase too, which would cause the video to jump out of its column).
Because the video is shorter than the content on the right, I would focus on trying to vertically center the video on the left relative to the content on the right. I actually wrote another plugin called Vertical Center that does exactly this:
For that you might try a selector in Vertical Center of
#home .columns.six
It would be preferrable to get a custom class on the column, so in Visual Composer you can click the edit pencil on the column and at the bottom of you’ll see an input for custom class, add something there and then your selector would be:
#home .custom-class
Back to Equal Height Columns, again I would put a custom class on both of the columns you want to equalize, then try
#home .custom-class
But I believe with the latest release of Visual Composer there is now an official way to equalize the heights of columns in a row. I believe it is a checkbox option on the row. Try editing the row and see if such an option is there, and use that if it is. You probably won’t see any visible change though, because again the video isn’t going to stretch taller unless you force it to, and the content on the right can’t get shorter, so this is why I’d try to just vertically center the video against the content on the right rather than worry about equalizing the heights.
I hope this information helps. Let me know if you have any more questions.