• chad_coleman


    I’m workin on entering a theme into the WordPress Competition being put on by Alex King.

    Please be very critical on this site. I could use all the feedback and suggestions I can get. Don’t be shy. Lemme have it!

    I don’t have access to certain browsers, and I was wondering if any of you guys would be kinda enough to email me a screenshot of my theme in Safari for the MAC, as well as Opera. Thanks

    chadcoleman AT frontierwebdesign DOT com

    Stucco Theme

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  • vkaryl


    One thing: when developing a theme for wp as when developing a whole site, the best thing to do is what you’ve seemingly done, Chad: that is, develop for standards-compliant browser-display FIRST (FF, Opera, etc.) and THEN tweak to fit IE, which is the “misfit”. Believe me when I tell you it’s way simpler than the opposite….

    Thread Starter chad_coleman


    Oh, I believe you V.

    IE is teh devil!!!!!11


    Well… after viewing all the steps required to install 5.5

    I’m gonna have to pass.

    Moshu – Is the frame scrolling horizontal AND vertical?

    or just one or the other?

    I’m gonna mess with the content class, and see if I can’t make it have frames in my current IE, then i’ll undercut what i had, and hope it works for those crusty old versions. If that made any sense to you.



    You also might want to look at percentages on various browser usages before you spend a lot of time on one or the other…. lots of info out there, search on “browser usage by percentage”….





    And BTW, I didn’t say you should fix it for IE 5.5 ??
    I just reported a fact.

    Thread Starter chad_coleman



    V, you’re awesome.

    According to a couple sources, IE5 is used by roughly 5%.

    So uhh… to heck with fixin that. They can wallow in the misery of outdated software. MUA HAH!!

    (Except Moshu)

    Thread Starter chad_coleman



    haha. Moshu… I totally forgot what 5.5 even looks like!

    Dude… what are you smoking? haha.

    Thread Starter chad_coleman


    oh yea.

    And thank you kindly for the screen shots.



    Thanks ??
    Now I know it’s almost sacrilege on this forum to mention something like… “my FF crashes 10 times more often the my outdated ie5.5 when visiting weird* sites”
    But psss!
    *weird – as in under construction, half made, asking for help here etc.



    Hmm. Moshu, my FF doesn’t crash at all. Not even on “unfinished still under construction” sites. Now IE 6, on the other hand….

    But no, no point in going there. IE 5.5 is still a viable alternative, which the version 4 browsers are not. No one’s trying to point fingers to say “jeez man why don’t you just upgrade!” because we all know only too well the “rock and a hard place” – it all depends on what your priorities are.

    In my antique browser (IE 5.2 for Mac OSX) everything is on the left side of the screen. I was on the phone with a friend of mine earlier and we were looking at the same themes, discussing what we liked and disliked about each, and he said everything was on the left on his screen as well (in Firefox on a PC).
    Also: When I use this skin on my own unfinished weblog, the entire right side field is forced below the main area. But it looks fine on the Alex King site. Maybe I have more text in there or something and maybe the sum of all the margins and widths don’t quite add up. I was thinking… since no one but me is commenting on this, then perhaps some late addition you have made has caused the leftism in question. My version said… I think it was March 27th, so it’s more recent than these posts here.
    It’s a beautiful theme, but it is currently the only one of my favourites that display oddly in my browser. I should add that it looks perfect in every way on my Firefox on the Mac.

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