I did figure that out since eShop doesn’t have a way to send the required url, I had to hardcode it.
That’s not actually an eShop issue. It’s a problem inherent in Authorize.net which never actually sends you back to the thank you page on your site. It merely displays it in a frame whilst still at Authorize.net.
If auth.net is no longer going to be supported, it should NOT be in the plugin at all.
Other users of Authorize.net are not encountering the same problem as you are. Do you honestly think we should just yank the authorize.net module out from under them – this rendering their shops non-functional without warning. I’m sorry but we’re not about to do that? We’ve tried to warn people as much as possible but we will not intentionally sabotage their sites.
If eShop is no longer suitable for your use, why not simply try another ecommerce plugin?