Hi @isvarza,
Thanks for your response. It looks like there’s some kind of javascript error. There could actually be a couple of errors.
Firstly, on page load, there’s another function not calling jQuery properly:
_satellite[“_runScript1”](function(event, target, Promise) {
$(document).ajaxSuccess((function(o,l,e){console.log(“—–AJAX RESPONSE READER SCRIPT—will disable in production–Metric-Partners–“),console.log(“————–EVENT———————-“),console.log(o),console.log(“—————-XHR——————–“),console.log(l),console.log(“—————-XHR ResponseText——————–“),console.log(l.responseText),console.log(“—————–SETTINGS——————-“),console.log(e)}));
It’s missing the jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { at the start to enable the $ in the script. So it’s possible your theme or a custom plugin is causing this error. You may want to try deactivating all other plugins and then trying the registration process again and see if that works. If it still doesn’t work, try using a basic theme like one of the Twenty Something themes.
Also upon registration, which according to you seems to be actually working (which I am surprised about – in a good way – considering the error messages), there seems to be a CORS policy issue:
Access to XMLHttpRequest at ‘https://blog.lumens.com/the-edit/’ from origin ‘https://www.lumens.com’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource.
Did you maybe migrate this website from another website. Perhaps just go to the settings page and select another thank you page or something? I think the issue is the code is trying to redirect to: https://blog.lumens.com/the-edit/ I think, but this website is not the domain of this website which is lumens.com. So it is creating this CORS issue. So there’s something interesting going on with your domains. You may know more about this?