• First, I am not as code literate as most but I am working on my second site so I’m getting better.

    Theme: Eino

    Intended outcome:
    1. To make breadcrumb nav bar disappear.
    2. To have text/widget boxes with transparent back-grounds, borders & no box-shadows.

    What I’ve done…
    Using Firebug:
    1. I have found and deleted/previewed the breadcrumb bar. LOOKS GREAT!
    2. I have found and previewed the background-color #FFFFFF as ‘transparent’. LOOKS GREAT!
    3. I have found and previewed the box-shadow at 0px. LOOKS GREAT!

    Everything looks beautiful and just how I want it. So with Filezilla I download the Style.CSS AND Style.min.css to edit with dreamweaver.

    1. the line #s indicated in Firebug are not consistent.
    2. I am unable to find any reference to back-ground colors or box-shadows as previously viewed in fire bug.
    3. I eventually find and delete the ‘breadcrumb’ code (as seen in Firebug)and tested it. My site was a mess so I revert back.

    what am I missing here?

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  • The line numbers you found in Firebug, do they actually refer to style.css ? With a lot of themes, you can add custom CSS in the theme options, and those custom styles will then be placed in the HEAD part of every page in the site. So perhaps that’s where you need to look?

    Thread Starter s47a


    Some lines refer to STYLE.CSS and others refer to STYLE.MIN.CSS.
    The back-ground color now seems to be pointing to …/wp-admin/customize.php. I don’t recall this yesterday, but I could be wrong.

    When I inspect in Firebug, the blue reference in the upper right of says “CUSTOMIZE.PHP #2 (LINE 39) and when I hover it points to …/WP-ADMIN/CUSTOMIZE.PHP. However, when I DL and open in DW line 39 looks like…
    do_action( ‘customize_controls_enqueue_scripts’ );

    I Ctl-f to find the text I’m looking for and it doesn’t exist.

    Good news is, I was able set the ‘box-shadow’ to 0px. It was in the themes CSS subfolder. Which ,again, I did not see this reference yesterday.

    I’m really at the end of my code wits.
    My site… https://036daf1.netsolhost.com/s47a/

    I’d suggest posting on the forum specific for this theme


    The developer will see it there.

    But, BTW, you should not be modifying any theme files – as your changes will be overwritten when the theme is updated. It’s advisable to make changes in Custom CSS (theme option or add by a plugin) or use a child theme –


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